Redeemer Church Mauritius

Repairing Your Broken Walls: Week 4 - Phil Kendon
Nehemiah chapter 4 is all about opposition to rebuilding and the tactics the enemy uses to distract us from our task. Fortunately, Nehemiah and his workers did not fall prey to their efforts and remained faithful despite the challenges. The workers needed weapons and the soldiers needed tools. In the end, it is impossible to repair the walls of your life and build a life of faith without also entering into a spiritual battle. But it is not all up to us. Even though there are no miracles in chapter 4, we get a glimpse into the excellent leadership provided by Nehemiah and his protection of the people. We also have a leader like that. Jesus is the ultimate partner in the building project – he works alongside us, he provides wise counsel, he resists our enemies. He is everything we need to complete the job that we have been assigned to do.
Locations & Times
Redeemer EastCoast
Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
Destructive words can act like slow poison to destroy us slowly if we take them on board.
Moving forward in your faith is an act of war.
Bullies intimidate with the threat of violence, but we should not retreat because of their loud words.
To be a builder is to be a soldier and to be a soldier is to be a builder.
Hard work and perseverance can get the job done quickly.
Don’t let opposition distract you from your mission