CrossWay Church

July 4, 2021: Jesus Heals
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Luke 7:1-17: Jesus Heals
I) The different ways the people approached Jesus
A) Jewish elders communicated ________ and deserving reasons.
B) The humble Roman Centurion thought he was _____________.
C) The mother was ______________ and unaware.
What is your response when you or a loved one suffers? Which of these characters are you most like?
II) Jesus's response to them.
A) ________________________ at Centurion’s faith.
B) _______________________ for the widowed mother.
C) Healing to the loved ones.
1) Jesus heals the _______________ from a far.
2) Jesus raises the son from the ______________.
III) The people's response.
A) They were filled with _____________ and praised God.
B) They knew that Jesus was a ___________ of God because Elijah and Elisha performed similar miracles.
IV) How does this passage relate to us today.
A) We see the compassionate heart of Jesus for those that ___________.
B) It shows us what faith in Jesus looks like.
1) Humble and realizing we do not ____________ his grace.
2) ______________ because our sin.
C) Jesus raises the spiritually __________ to new life.
I) The different ways the people approached Jesus
A) Jewish elders communicated ________ and deserving reasons.
B) The humble Roman Centurion thought he was _____________.
C) The mother was ______________ and unaware.
What is your response when you or a loved one suffers? Which of these characters are you most like?
II) Jesus's response to them.
A) ________________________ at Centurion’s faith.
B) _______________________ for the widowed mother.
C) Healing to the loved ones.
1) Jesus heals the _______________ from a far.
2) Jesus raises the son from the ______________.
III) The people's response.
A) They were filled with _____________ and praised God.
B) They knew that Jesus was a ___________ of God because Elijah and Elisha performed similar miracles.
IV) How does this passage relate to us today.
A) We see the compassionate heart of Jesus for those that ___________.
B) It shows us what faith in Jesus looks like.
1) Humble and realizing we do not ____________ his grace.
2) ______________ because our sin.
C) Jesus raises the spiritually __________ to new life.