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Crossridge Church

CROSSRIDGE - Sunday, June 27, 2021

CROSSRIDGE - Sunday, June 27, 2021

Locations & Times

Crossridge Sundays

5732 176 St, Surrey, BC V3S 4C8, Canada

Sunday 9:00 AM

1. A commitment to...
QUOTE - Penn Jillette
2. A commitment to...
QUOTE - Steve Timmis

“That means new styles of worship will not reach them. Fresh expressions of church will not reach them. Alpha and Christianity Explored will not reach them. Great first impressions will not reach them. Churches meeting in pubs will not reach them…The vast majority of unchurched and de-churched people would not turn to the church, even if faced with difficult personal circumstances or in the event of national tragedies. It is not a question of “improving the product” of church meetings and evangelistic events. It means reaching people apart from meetings and events.”
QUOTE - John Stott

“But we have to begin where people are, to find a point of contact with them. With secularized people today this might be what constitutes authentic humanness, the universal quest for transcendence, the hunger for love and community, the search for freedom, or the longing for personal significance. Wherever we begin, however, we shall end with Jesus Christ, who is himself the good news, and who alone can fulfill all human aspirations.”
3. A commitment to...
4. A commitment to...