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First Baptist Church of Richland

Sunday Worship Service 6-13-21

Sunday Worship Service 6-13-21

Welcome to FBC Sunday Worship! Our guest speaker today is Paul Holritz

Locations & Times

FBC Richland

1107 Wright Ave, Richland, WA 99354, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Weekly Bulletin

Click here to view the Weekly Bulletin which contains lyrics to our songs today (as well as a printable copy of lyrics) and more!
Why Train National Leaders?

Dr. Paul Holritz
I. Biblical Basis/Rationale

A. The Search: An Age-Old Dilemma Ezekiel 22:30; I Sam. 13:14; Esther 4:14

B. God’s Sovereign Plan and Control Psalm 75:6~7; Rom. 13:1

C. Christ’s Example in Leadership Selection and Development Luke 6:12

1. His prayerful selection and training of 12 men who later “turned the world upside
down.” Acts 17:6

2. His special focus upon Peter, James, and John.

3. His command to all disciples to make disciples Matthew 28:18~20

D. Paul’s Example in Leadership Selection and Development

1. Paul’s selection of young men to accompany him on his missionary journeys

2. Paul’s special focus upon Timothy and Titus

3. Paul’s mention of numerous helpers in his Epistles, (esp. Priscilla & Aquila Acts 17~18)

4. Paul’s command to reproduce teacher-leaders II Timothy 2:2

5. The School of Tyrannus Acts 19:9

a. Background Acts 16:6~7;

NO to Asia; GO to Europe

b. Results of Training Acts 19:10
II. Practical Basis/Rationale

A. Financial Advantages

1. Cost of training/sending a missionary

2. Cost of training a national

B. Linguistic Advantages

1. Language Learning Takes Time

2. Language Learning is Costly

3. Language Learning is Risky

C. Cultural Advantages: Culture is Made Up of:

D. Other Challenges/Advantages

1. Health Challenges

2. Furlough Challenges

3. Transition Challenges

E. Trends/tools affecting the Training of Nationals: Globalism and Technology

1. Speed and Cost of Travel
2. Speed and Cost of Communication

3. Changing Political Landscape

4. Visa Challenges
III. Results Acts 19:10

Could Acts 19:10 be repeated today? YES! (Pastor J’s Story)

IV. Practical Application: How Can I Get Involved?

A. Intercession (PRAY)
B. Financial Partnership (GIVE) Scholarships, Translation
C. Global Missions Outreach (SEND)
D. Reach Your Own Asia! (GO) Evangelize, Disciple, Train and Send Your Own
About Today's Speaker

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Holritz are our featured Ministry of the Month for June. They have been involved in cross-cultural ministry since 1980. The Holritzes returned to the US in 1993 due to health reasons, but have continued to make use of their knowledge of the language and culture of Japan here in the US. In 1996, Paul was asked to serve as an interpreter for the Olympic games in Atlanta.

Dr. Holritz earned his undergraduate degrees in business and education at Northern Illinois University. He holds a master’s degree in educational administration from Tennessee Temple University and a Ph.D. in Global Leadership from Regent University. Mrs. Holritz graduated with a BS degree in education from Tennessee Temple University and is a musician (pianist). They currently reside in Atlanta. The Holritzes have four sons and five grandchildren.

It may be of interest that December of this year marks the 40th consecutive year that The First Family has partnered with them in ministry! While the geography of their ministry has changed, they are still doing the same thing they've been doing since 1981: Carrying out the Great Commission in obedience to God's call in their lives.

Paul will be speaking in our Main Session as well as in one of our Breakouts. Thank you Paul & Kathy, for sharing with us this week!

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Breakout Sessions at 11:00 AM

Book of Titus with Paul Eslinger - An interactive bible study for adults
- Meets in Room 303

Child Safety Training with Pastor Isaac - This session is for anyone helping as a volunteer in Children's Ministries. If you are planning to help anywhere in Children's Ministry, this training is required.
- Meets in Room 302

Guest Session with Paul Holritz - Join this session to hear more about the Holritzes' ministry. All ages welcome.
- Meets in the MPR