Family Worship Center - Raton, NM

Freedom (Week 4)
This four-week series takes a look at what freedom in Christ entails. Does this exempt us of any spiritual responsibilities? Jesus says his “burden is light,” but does this mean that a Christian life will always be an easy one? This shows us that true freedom moves us toward obedience and debunks an unchristian understanding of freedom.
Locations & Times
Family Worship Center
219 Kearney Ave, Raton, NM 87740, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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Sermon archive, Registrations, Life Groups Information and Conversations, as well as ease in Giving. Download Today!!
Welcome to our final week of Freedom!
Truly hope that you are seeing that you are seeing in the midst of this series that there is more to church and our faith walk than simply following rules and regulations. It’s more than Sunday’s and tithes and offerings. It’s more than a serve team and a life group.
And that’s not to say that you need to perform more. None of these things are bad things, but the moment we do these things as relationship replacement things, it’s anti-christ in nature.
Now I’m not talking about the person labeled in Revelation, though it is the same spirit at work. And again, anti-christ doesn’t mean opposite of Christ. It mean’s in place of Christ. There are a lot of “good things” that have the tendency to take the place of Christ in our own lives! And many times, we don’t even see it!
Truly hope that you are seeing that you are seeing in the midst of this series that there is more to church and our faith walk than simply following rules and regulations. It’s more than Sunday’s and tithes and offerings. It’s more than a serve team and a life group.
And that’s not to say that you need to perform more. None of these things are bad things, but the moment we do these things as relationship replacement things, it’s anti-christ in nature.
Now I’m not talking about the person labeled in Revelation, though it is the same spirit at work. And again, anti-christ doesn’t mean opposite of Christ. It mean’s in place of Christ. There are a lot of “good things” that have the tendency to take the place of Christ in our own lives! And many times, we don’t even see it!
Big Idea: Even in pain and suffering, we have hope in Christ, enabling us to honor God no matter our circumstances.
1) Godly Freedom Encourages Possibility!
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2) Godly Freedom Takes You Farther!!
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3) Godly Freedom Brings Rest
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Application Point: Practice small acts of placing yourself under God’s authority!
Here are some ideas: maybe prioritize things like Bible reading, prayer, worship attendance, and giving, as a start.
Here are some ideas: maybe prioritize things like Bible reading, prayer, worship attendance, and giving, as a start.
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