Family Worship Center - Raton, NM

Freedom (Week 2)
This four-week series takes a look at what freedom in Christ entails. Does this exempt us of any spiritual responsibilities? Jesus says his “burden is light,” but does this mean that a Christian life will always be an easy one? This shows us that true freedom moves us toward obedience and debunks an unchristian understanding of freedom.
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Family Worship Center
219 Kearney Ave, Raton, NM 87740, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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Welcome to Week 2 of Freedom. (Turn to Romans 5)
Last week, my bride brought us a word for mother’s day. In the midst of that, she spoke to what Freedom isn’t…
-Freedom isn’t cheap (an extreme price was paid for us to receive it) but it is free due to payment being made in Christ!
-Freedom isn’t a license to sin!
-Freedom isn’t responsibility free!!
Emily used the illustration of a lottery winner and the fact that usually what is gained is all spent and all lost!
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”-Jim Carrey
So often, we run to things of this world to solve our problems instead of turning to the one who created us in the first place.
Today, my heart is to dive into what freedom is!
Last week, my bride brought us a word for mother’s day. In the midst of that, she spoke to what Freedom isn’t…
-Freedom isn’t cheap (an extreme price was paid for us to receive it) but it is free due to payment being made in Christ!
-Freedom isn’t a license to sin!
-Freedom isn’t responsibility free!!
Emily used the illustration of a lottery winner and the fact that usually what is gained is all spent and all lost!
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”-Jim Carrey
So often, we run to things of this world to solve our problems instead of turning to the one who created us in the first place.
Today, my heart is to dive into what freedom is!
Big Idea: What freedom is: The nature of Christian freedom is freedom from condemnation under the law, and the result is peace with God.
1) Worldly Freedom Can Enslave Us
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2) Freedom Doesn't Look Like We Thought
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3) Freedom is God's Grace
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Application Point: Make a list of the things you go to in order to find peace; which of these are responses to your justification before God in Jesus?
In other words… Which of these satisfy your flesh and which of these edifies your spirit?
In other words… Which of these satisfy your flesh and which of these edifies your spirit?
This space left open to write notes as Pastor Emily willingly goes down rabbit trails...and talks to moms!