Calvary Reformed Church

Calvary Worship
Worship and Study on Mark 5
Locations & Times
Calvary Reformed Church, Mattawan,
7829 5th St, Mattawan, MI 49071, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Have you ever been with someone when they have "lost it"
Or seen EVIL in another person's eyes---it's scary!!!
Jesus just took the disciples (and other boats with them) through the external and internal storm on the Sea....and now they come face to face this DEMON possession.
All were tired and worn, and now a crazy (Matthew says 2 men) came running towards them!!!!
I believe----the disciples could have possibly even heard these men on a calm night screaming across the water.
Or seen EVIL in another person's eyes---it's scary!!!
Jesus just took the disciples (and other boats with them) through the external and internal storm on the Sea....and now they come face to face this DEMON possession.
All were tired and worn, and now a crazy (Matthew says 2 men) came running towards them!!!!
I believe----the disciples could have possibly even heard these men on a calm night screaming across the water.
Can you see how often and in many ways that the Demonic seeks to Destroy the Image of God in our lives!!
- The demons KNEW who Charts was and they come to Him to ask Not to be tortured till their time.
- Strange, but they are torturing the men!!!
and the name, Legion: a military name!!!
- ready to FIGHT
- The demons KNEW who Charts was and they come to Him to ask Not to be tortured till their time.
- Strange, but they are torturing the men!!!
and the name, Legion: a military name!!!
- ready to FIGHT
again, the demons Beg.....
- we truly don't know why the Pigs....unclean, stay in the area?? someday we will know when we sit at Christ's feet and HE teaches us.
- Pig herders SHARE!!!!
Power of the demonic is weakness before the Messiah!!!
- we truly don't know why the Pigs....unclean, stay in the area?? someday we will know when we sit at Christ's feet and HE teaches us.
- Pig herders SHARE!!!!
Power of the demonic is weakness before the Messiah!!!
Few thoughts:
Are you?
1. Disbelieving/ Afraid- townspeople?
2. Disciples---Who is this man?
3. Delivered --Got to Tell people!!!
And if you have been deli3evered by the Messiah you have a story to tell and share----your story.
We are called to exhibit a transformed life by our....
1. Our attitudes
2. Our words
3. Our behavior
Are you?
1. Disbelieving/ Afraid- townspeople?
2. Disciples---Who is this man?
3. Delivered --Got to Tell people!!!
And if you have been deli3evered by the Messiah you have a story to tell and share----your story.
We are called to exhibit a transformed life by our....
1. Our attitudes
2. Our words
3. Our behavior
If you are growing with us in your faith I invite you to join Calvary in our ministry outreach.