
Holy Week: Jesus With Us
Find a quiet place and use this app as you take a virtual Holy Week journey. Allow yourself about 10 minutes to make the journey.
Locations & Times
Immanuel Baptist Church
401 Dakota Ave N, Wessington Springs, SD 57382, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Jesus, the Son of God, became human to save us. In fact, 2000 years ago, he was born, lived, died, and rose from the dead. During his time here on Earth, Jesus showed how much God loves each and every one of us.
BEFORE Jesus started teaching, he was baptized, and immediately a voice from heaven recognized him, saying, “You are my beloved Son….”
Read about it in Mark 1:9-11.
Read about it in Matthew 4 and consider how you can guard against temptations, which lead to sin?
Do you have people in your life who model God’s love for you, and are you teaching others?

A MIRACLE: The first miracle by Jesus was when he turned water into wine. People saw and wondered but let the miracle pass. Have there been miracles in your life that you possibly dismissed as coincidence?
Read more in Luke 6:12-16.

A MIRACLE: The disciples passed 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish among a crowd of 5,000 that gathered to listen to Jesus. Everyone was fed, with many leftovers. Pray for people every day that both their physical and spiritual needs are met.
Read John 6:64-66.
Pray that God speaks to you whenever you prepare to read his Word.

A MIRACLE: While his disciples were in a boat, Jesus walked past on the surface of the water. Pray that your faith is strengthened so you can lead others to Christ.
Is there someone in your life who feels like an enemy but who needs your love?
Read Mark 12:12 and more.

A MIRACLE: Jesus used mud to heal a blind man. We don’t know God’s plans but he hears our prayers and can work miracles.
It’s easy to follow the crowd but how is your faith when you need to stand alone?

A MIRACLE: While in a boat, Jesus calmed a dangerous storm that had created great fear among his disciples. Anxiety and fear can consume us but trust in God brings peace beyond understanding.
Read about the Passover meal in Matthew 26:17-25.
Matthew 27:11-51 tells of the trial, torture, and crucifixion. It's worth taking a few minutes to read through and see what happened.
Read John 3:16 and accept God’s love.
Read about it in Matthew 27:57-66.
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, but we should celebrate every day!
It's as simple as ABC.
A - Admit that you are a sinner.
Next steps are to talk to God (pray), learn more (read the Bible), and let your new life shine for others (find a Bible-believing church where you can learn to recognize God's leading).
For help, you can call or text Pastor Mike at 916-825-0302.