Risen Life Church

Risen Life Church Easter Sunday Sermon
For eleven chapters in Romans Paul explains the Gospel. He plumbs the depths of our human condition, justification by faith, what it looks like to grow in righteousness, the triumph of the Christian in Christ, and the greatness of God in the mysteries of salvation. In light of these first eleven chapters, Paul then says in chapter 12, now, live your life as a living sacrifice to God which is your spiritual act of worship. As we consider Romans 12-16 we will look at what it means to live as a Christian in light of the Gospel. We want to be Christians that live like Christians. Join us over the next couple of weeks as we go verse by verse through Romans 12-16 considering aspects of what it means to live as a Christian in our world.
Locations & Times
Risen Life Church
2780 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84124, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
This week's Scripture
Romans 13:8-14
1. Love one another – vs. 8-10
2. Wake up – vs. 11-13
3. Put on different clothes – vs. 14