Dewey Community Church

3/7/21 - Telling the Truth to "Believers"
Locations & Times
Dewey Community Church
16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA
Sunday 12:30 AM
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available soon at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available soon at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Telling the Truth to "Believers"
John 8:31-38
Jesus came to earth to tell us the truth about ‘true’ believers. In this passage, Jesus shares 2 traits of those who truly believe in him.
John 8:31-38
Jesus came to earth to tell us the truth about ‘true’ believers. In this passage, Jesus shares 2 traits of those who truly believe in him.
I. True believers in Jesus Abide in His Word.
II. True believers in Jesus are Free from Slavery to Sin.

Childcare Today (3/7)
Nursery - Sunday School: Ava H.
Nursery - Worship Service: Erin H. and Liz R.
Children's Church: Becky G. and Beth L.
Childcare Next Week (3/14)
Nursery - Sunday School: Heidi G. and Connie K.
Nursery - Worship Service: Karen H. and Mary H.
Children's Church: Laura H. and Liz R.
Nursery - Sunday School: Ava H.
Nursery - Worship Service: Erin H. and Liz R.
Children's Church: Becky G. and Beth L.
Childcare Next Week (3/14)
Nursery - Sunday School: Heidi G. and Connie K.
Nursery - Worship Service: Karen H. and Mary H.
Children's Church: Laura H. and Liz R.
Remember to Pray… for Ken L. as he recovers from surgery…for Linda A's sister-in-law, Rachel, who has recently been placed in hospice care…for Harold and Mary Ann H. who are both experiencing significant health challenges…for the C. family as they transition to Dewey…for Kids’ Connection staff and students as this ministry resumes…for the VBS committee as they prepare for this summer’s ministry…for This Little Light of Mine Preschool’s open house…for our missionaries serving overseas.
SUN, MAR 7 @ 4:00 PM // Zoom with the David and Brenda A.
David and Brenda A. will be hosting a Zoom video call to give an update on their church planting ministry. The Atkins have been called to lead a church planting ministry in the Greater-Seattle area. A link to the video call will be provided for all who would like to participate. Let pastor Neal know if you plan to participate.
David and Brenda A. will be hosting a Zoom video call to give an update on their church planting ministry. The Atkins have been called to lead a church planting ministry in the Greater-Seattle area. A link to the video call will be provided for all who would like to participate. Let pastor Neal know if you plan to participate.
MON, MAR 8 @ 5:00 - 7:00 PM // TLLOM Open House
This Little Light of Mine Preschool Open House for prospective students and their parents.
This Little Light of Mine Preschool Open House for prospective students and their parents.
WED, MAR 10 @ 7:00 - 8:15 PM // Connections
Take the opportunity to “connect” midweek with God and others. Opportunities currently include Kids’ Connection (Kindergarten-grade 5) and a Prayer Gathering for adults.
Take the opportunity to “connect” midweek with God and others. Opportunities currently include Kids’ Connection (Kindergarten-grade 5) and a Prayer Gathering for adults.
SAT, MAR 13 // C. Family Moving In
The C. Family will be moving into the parsonage this Saturday. They will need some help to unload the U-Haul, so let Pastor Neal know if you would be available to help. (Presently, they are not sure when they will arrive in Dewey, but that will be communicated as the day draws closer.)
The C. Family will be moving into the parsonage this Saturday. They will need some help to unload the U-Haul, so let Pastor Neal know if you would be available to help. (Presently, they are not sure when they will arrive in Dewey, but that will be communicated as the day draws closer.)
SUN, MAR 14 @ 7:00 AM // Lenten Community Prayer Breakfast
The Lenten Community Prayer Breakfast will be held at East Bend Mennonite Church. All are welcome to attend.
The Lenten Community Prayer Breakfast will be held at East Bend Mennonite Church. All are welcome to attend.
SUN, MAR 14 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, "To Tell the Truth” with a look at John 10:1-21.
In the worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, "To Tell the Truth” with a look at John 10:1-21.
SUN, MAR 28 @ 12:00 PM // DCC Spring Business Meeting
The DCC Spring Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 28 following the Worship service. All members of DCC should plan to remain for the meeting. One order of business will be to affirm the slate of officers for the 2021-2022 year which has been prepared by the Nominating Committee. The slate of officers is posted on the bulletin board in the coffee area.
The DCC Spring Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 28 following the Worship service. All members of DCC should plan to remain for the meeting. One order of business will be to affirm the slate of officers for the 2021-2022 year which has been prepared by the Nominating Committee. The slate of officers is posted on the bulletin board in the coffee area.
Online Church Directory: With the arrival of the C. Family, an effort is being made to make the DCC online directory more complete. If you are not currently listed in the directory, please fill out the form (Online Church Directory Information) located on the table in the entryway. If you have not yet added a picture to the directory, you can do so by following the directions on the Instant Church Directory app. Access to the directory is limited to those included in the directory. This will be a great tool for Andrew and Paige to use as they get acquainted with their new church family.
Community Prayer Breakfasts for the Lenten season will begin on Sunday morning, March 7. The churches hosting this year’s breakfasts are River Valley Church of Christ (3/7), East Bend (3/14), Fisher Community Church (3/21) and Fisher United Methodist Church (3/28). The breakfasts begin at 7:00 am. In addition, DCC will host the Community Good Friday Service on Friday, April 2 at 7:00 pm.
Easter Sunday: This year Easter falls on Sunday, April 4. The schedule for the day will include Sunday School at 9:30am and the Worship service at 10:35 am.
DCC and Oil-C-Change: Do you know a single mom or a widow who could use some extra help? Vouchers for a free oil change are available in the church office. Contact Pastor Neal for more information or to request a voucher.

DCC is on Facebook!
Follow Dewey Community Church on Facebook to see what's happening throughout the week. Dew Crew is on FB Too!
Check out The Dewey Youth Group on Facebook for all of the latest Dew Crew information.