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Dewey Community Church

2/28/21 - Telling the Truth to Fans

2/28/21 - Telling the Truth to Fans

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 12:30 AM

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.

This Sunday's sermon will be available soon at

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Telling the Truth to Fans
John 6:22-71

Jesus is the God-given means to eternal life. In this text we see 3 realities regarding Jesus the Life-Giver.
I. Jesus was Certified as the means to eternal life.
II. Jesus was Sent as the means to eternal life.
III. Jesus was Central as the means to eternal life.
Childcare Today (2/28)
Nursery - Sunday School: Debbie B. and Laura H.
Nursery - Worship Service: Caleb & Kristen B.
Children's Church: Doug & Megan H.

Childcare Next Week (3/7)
Nursery - Sunday School: Ava H.
Nursery - Worship Service: Erin H. and Liz R.
Children's Church: Becky G. and Beth L.
Remember to Pray… for Ken L. as he continues his recovery from hip replacement surgery… for Rose B's continued recovery… for the C. family as they make preparations to move to Dewey…for Lisa B's daughter, Kathy, who is experiencing some health related challenges…for the VBS committee as they prepare for this summer’s ministry…that God will reveal new avenues for “making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ”…for our missionaries serving overseas.
SUN, FEB 28 @ 12:00 PM // Bible Quiz Team Practice & Lunch
TUE, MAR 2 @ 8:00 AM // Fisher Area Ministerial Association Meeting at Blue Star Restaurant
SUN, MAR 7 @ 7:00 AM // Lenten Community Prayer Breakfast
The first Lenten Community Prayer Breakfast will be held at River Valley Church of Christ. All are welcome to attend.
SUN, MAR 7 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, “To Tell the Truth” with a look at John 8:31-44.
SUN, MAR 7 @ 4:00 PM // Zoom with the David and Brenda A.
David and Brenda A. will be hosting a Zoom video call to give an update on their church planting ministry. The Atkins have been called to lead a church planting ministry in the Greater-Seattle area. A link to the video call will be provided for all who would like to participate. Let pastor Neal know if you plan to participate.
Pounding Party: We want to welcome Andrew and Paige with an “old fashioned pounding” by giving them a “pound” of this and a “pound” of that to stock their pantry. Please bring a pound or two of non-perishable food items, paper products, or cleaning supplies to the church in the next three Sundays and put them on the table in the foyer. Check the church bulletin insert for suggested items.
An Information Technology Team is being formed to give oversight to all things technology here at DCC. The breadth of responsibilities is yet to be finalized but will include matters related to the internet, phone service, computer and perhaps live streaming and other IT applications. If you have interest, please contact Dave H.
Community Prayer Breakfasts for the Lenten season will begin on Sunday morning, March 7. The churches hosting this year’s breakfasts are River Valley Church of Christ (3/7), East Bend (3/14), Fisher Community Church (3/21) and Fisher United Methodist Church (3/28). The breakfasts begin at 7:00 am. In addition, DCC will host the Community Good Friday Service on Friday, April 2 at 7:00 pm.
Man Camp: If any men in the congregation have an interest in attending Man Camp at Miracle Camp, please contact Ty K. The dates are Friday-Sunday, March 26-28.
DCC and Oil-C-Change: Do you know a single mom or a widow who could use some extra help? Vouchers for a free oil change are available in the church office. Contact Pastor Neal for more information or to request a voucher.

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