New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#6 - Have I discovered why I am so tired? (2/28/21)
Our Main Service message on February 28th, 2021
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM

Tired - in need of sleep; annoyed or bored with; fed up, jaded, wearied.
1) Dealing with physical tiredness
Personal strength creating tiredness.
Personal strength creating tiredness.

2) Dealing with things not going my way
Pride masquerading as a disappointment creates tiredness.
Pride masquerading as a disappointment creates tiredness.

3) Dealing with things going well for everyone else
Coveting, when the joy of someone else’s success causes undue pressure on me, creates tiredness.
Coveting, when the joy of someone else’s success causes undue pressure on me, creates tiredness.

4) Dealing with God’s requirements
When the strength to live right is replaced by the law to live right - it makes you tired.
When the strength to live right is replaced by the law to live right - it makes you tired.

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