New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#3 - Honestly Evaluating My Experiences (2/7/2021)
Our Main Service message on February 7th, 2021
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
#1 - Setting the Course for Your Future
Message recap
Message recap

Message #2 - The Gap of Application
message recap
message recap

Message #3 - Honestly Evaluating My Experiences

1 - Evaluating my experiences is tied to my present and my historical experiences.

2 - Evaluating my experiences requires “both ends” honesty. How I see what I’m going through and how I’m going through what I see.

3 - Evaluating my experiences requires a come to Jesus moment - over worry.

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