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Central Community Church

Let’s let our Light Shine Brighter

Let’s let our Light Shine Brighter

Pastor Bob Beckler

Locations & Times

Central Community Church

6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS 67209, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Opportunities to share prayer requests: Share prayer requests and praises at

Giving Options

Please use the link below to setup your new one-time and/or recurring gifts. You can also text give to 316-330-3535. We thank you for your generosity to the mission of Central Community Church.

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Sermon Notes
Top New Year’s Resolutions: Exercise more
Top New Year’s Resolutions: Lose weight
Top New Year’s Resolutions: Save more money
Top New Year’s Resolutions: Improve your diet
“After a difficult year, the last thing we need to do is put more pressure on ourselves or set a goal that might not be realistic during a global pandemic. We don’t need more disappointment and stress in 2021 that will make it even harder to cope.” Dr. Sophie Lazarus
The light which you are becomes the light which you have.
Every 4th Sunday we are going to bring to church a non-perishable food item that we can donate to a food pantry.
Our next task is to upgrade our “on-line” quality.
Our next task, bring our church back.
Finally, our Kid’s Ministry: 60% of families choose a church with their kids in mind
Finally, our Kid’s Ministry: Families want to partner with churches in teaching Christian world-view values.
Finally, our Kid’s Ministry: 2/3 of people came to Christ before age 18
Finally, our Kid’s Ministry: Churches with growing Kid’s Ministries are attractive to young families.

Watch/Listen Online

Central Community's teaching is available online. Click the link to go to our website. The weekly sermon can also be found on your favorite podcast app by searching for Central Community Church.