The Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador

Week of Prayer 2021
Join us as we begin 2021 together as a Fellowship in prayer. Let's pray together: Father, we join our hearts together this week as a Fellowship, not as an exercise in routine or ritual, but because you are raising up a prayer movement in this unprecedented season. On our knees, in our cars, walking our neighbourhoods, at our places of employment, we will be persistent, attentive, soft-hearted, and grateful. Open our eyes to see the world as you see it. Move us with compassion. Let our common faith and calling unify us, even in diversity, by your Spirit. Call us to repentance and reconciliation. Make us a people of joyful holiness – otherworldly in our love for you and for others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Locations & Times
57 Thorburn Road, St. John's, NL
Sunday 12:00 AM
As of December 2020, there have been over 67 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide. More than 1.5 million people have died, and many more have been hospitalized or suffered direct, long-term health consequences from the novel coronavirus[1]. The world needs the healing that is available through faith in Jesus (James 5:14-15). As a Fellowship, we commit to praying for healing for those directly affected by the virus, and also for protection for our countries, communities, businesses, churches, and families. We will also remember to thank God today for our healthcare professionals and public health officials and ask God’s protection and blessing on them as they carry out this important work.
[1]John Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center. Web. Accessed December 8, 2020.
This season has been fraught with new challenges. In March-April of 2020, 94 of our churches pivoted from in-person gatherings to online ministry. During the following months, it is estimated that a half-million people viewed content from our churches. Stories quickly emerged of new connections being made in our communities, stories of healing and salvation, all because the Holy Spirit gave our pastors and leaders creativity to turn one of our greatest challenges into an unprecedented opportunity to share the gospel. As 2021 begins, we are praying for a new outpouring of the Spirit’s creativity. As he filled Bezalel and Oholiab for artistic excellence (Exodus 31) and gifted the early church leaders with apostolic vision (Acts 13:2), we are believing together today that He will fill us anew with Spirit-birthed creativity.
The majority of countries right now are “on the brink of recession.”[1] The economic impact of the global pandemic can be seen in very real ways in the businesses and families all around us. Yet in the midst of this, there is an opportunity for the church to step up in and into her calling. In Jeremiah 29:7, the people of God in exile are instructed to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Though we live as aliens and exiles here (1 Peter 2:11), we too are called to pray for the peace and prosperity of the communities in which we are planted for mission. Let’s intercede together today for God’s blessing on our country, towns, businesses, and families. Let’s also ask God to open our hearts to be a part of the solution.[2]
[1] “Coronavirus: A Visual Guide to the Economic Impact.” BBC News. Web. Accessed December 8, 2020.
[2]Some Pentecostal disciples in Canada created an initiative called “The Big Spend” for this purpose.
“In March 2020, the share of Google searches for prayer surged to the highest level ever recorded.”[1] While the church does not rejoice in the instability or uncertainty caused by events like the global pandemic, they seem to always drive people to the fundamental human search for higher meaning (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Today we join in prayer together that people around the world would find fulfillment of that search in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Symbolically, we turn our position towards the outer walls of our homes and churches and ask God by His Spirit to speak to hearts in our neighbourhoods and to prepare us to live a life that causes people to ask about the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15).
[1] “Pandemic prompts surge in interest in prayer, Google data show.” Telegraph UK. Web. Accessed December 8, 2020.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide while the demand for mental health is increasing, according to a new WHO survey.”[1] In our own province, the pandemic has catalyzed a surge of mental health needs. Grief, loss of income, disconnection, and myriad other factors have created a perfect storm for mental health challenges. In the midst of this, we believe that God has given us supernatural peace and comfort to share with a hurting world (2 Corinthians 1:3). We are praying today for mental health professionals and organizations, for those suffering mental health challenges in our congregations and communities, and for God to equip us with empathy, compassion, knowledge, and wisdom. We pray that we would have the courage to look after our own mental health during this season so that we can also be a support to others.
[1]COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey.” World Health Organization. Web. Accessed December 8, 2020.
2020 will be a defining year in the lives of our students. Children, youth and young adults will reflect on it as the year when education was disrupted, family life was redefined, social connection was greatly limited, and travel and family plans were put on indefinite hold. Our Next Gen pastors and leaders have already been discipling and leading in one of the most challenging times in our history. We need to uphold them in our prayers, be prodigal with our encouragement, bless them, mentor, and learn from them. Today we also join in prayer for our ministries, students, and their families, for a vibrant, living, sticky, multiplying faith. We pray for 2021 to be an unprecedented year discipleship, that God would stir a disciple-making movement among the Next Gen Ministries in our province and raise up resilient, faith-filled leaders who are contagious in their passion for Jesus and for their callings (2 Timothy 1:6-7).
“We value believers, their commitment to personal discipleship, their baptism in the Holy Spirit, their Christian family life, and their Christ-like example and witness.”[1]
Discipleship is not a program or an optional add-on to our salvation. It is our calling as followers of Jesus, to live as pupils in dynamic relationship with our Rabbi, growing into little Christs in every waking moment of our lives. Today we pray that in 2021, as never before, that we would live out this core value as a fellowship. We pray that every believer would be imitating Christ in another so that others may imitate Christ in them. We pray for the Spirit to cultivate a deep passion for our own personal and spiritual health. We pray for His work in our relationships with family members, coworkers, leaders, and neighbours. We pray for every believer to embrace their calling and to fully participate in the life of the body of Christ, doing the work of ministry as their leaders equip them (Ephesians 4:12). We pray that individually and collectively we would answer the call to the great commission and live lives of irresistible grace and good news, making disciples who make disciples.
[1]“PAONL Core Values.” Web. Accessed December 8, 2020.