Sarnia EMC
Think Carefully
Locations & Times
  • SEMC
    707 Talfourd St, Sarnia, ON N7T 1S1, Canada
    Sunday 10:30 AM
Key info and stats related to the legalization of recreational marijuana on October 17, 2018:
- Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001.
- In 2017, there were over 201,000 thousand people using medical marijuana.
- In 2017, over 4.2 million Canadians (14%), 15 years of age and older, who admitted to using marijuana at some point over the previous three months. Over half of those, admit to using marijuana on a daily or weekly basis.
- THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the addictive element. It has increased from 3% in the 1980s to around 15% today. THC has significant negative short term and long term health effects.
- CDB (cannabidiol) is the non-intoxicating element in cannabis.
- Medical marijuana has most or all of THC removed.
· - courtesy of the Government of Canada
Thinking carefully about consumption:

1. ___________________your desire.

2. ___________________a Biblical framework.

3. ____________________consumption patterns.

4. _____________________your relationships.

Challenge for this week: How much biblical thought do you give to the decisions you make? What changes will you make? Who will you share this with?
Opportunities to Serve @ The SEMC

· As a Greeter you, (with your spouse and family) can cheerfully welcome those who gather at the SEMC each Sunday.
· As Ushers you (and your family) will cheerfully welcome those attend our church service, distribute bulletins, collect the offering, assist people as needed.
· In both roles you will serve once every 6 or 7 weeks.


Our Kitchen team serves together in the preparation of meals for specific church-wide events throughout the year (5 or 6 times). They also take turns providing coffee and cookies once a month on a Sunday morning.

Please contact the church office ( if you are interested in these roles.

COMPUTER OPERATOR (youth and adult)

Serving once a month on Sunday mornings this position will require operating the music slides and videos required. You need to be present at 9:15am to coordinate with the rest of the Sunday team. Training is provided.


We are looking for a few adults willing to invest in, mentor and have fun with our IMPACT students. We are looking for those willing to make a weekly commitment of 2 hours on either Wednesday (Jr. High) or Friday evenings (Highschool).

Please contact Deve Persad ( if you are interested in these roles.