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New Heights Church

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Join us in our series on 2nd Peter

Locations & Times

The Boys and Girls Club

560 N Rupple Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72704, USA

Sunday 8:25 AM

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Don’t Be Enslaved Again
This letter is written to remind the early church, and us, that God’s divine power has given us everything we need to live a godly life.

False Teachers
Jesus isn’t coming back so you can do what you wanna and there will not be a final reckoning.

• A Warning about False Teachers
• Punishment for False Teaching (Angels, The Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah)
• God will Rescue the Righteous: He Delivers those who Trust Him (Noah, & Lot)

The False Teachers
Today we are going to look at theses aspects of these false teachers, and why they will be judged.

• They are enslaved to their sinful nature. (sexual sin)
• Despise authority (Christ). They refuse to submit.
• They are greedy for money.
• They will seduce and exploit others to follow their teaching.

They are slaves of depravity (sex & greed), but they promise you freedom.
Satan's Attack Plan

• Division
• Deception
• Disobedience

“Satan wants us to be confused and to walk in darkness.”
- Jim Hall
The Corruption of False Teachers
Their Evil Impact
Why will they be judged?

• They are led by their own sinful nature.
• They refuse to submit to the authority of Christ.
• Lead others astray.
They are slaves of depravity (sex & greed), but they promise you freedom.
Don’t Be Enslaved Again
“The human body becomes the primary area of pleasure for the person who does not live honestly and interactively with God, and also the primary source of terror, torture, and death. So it is an “obvious” thing to turn to for those who worship and serve “the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25).

–– Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
And because bodily enjoyment is what they want, what they choose to pursue, God abandons them to their pursuit of every pleasurable sensation they can wring out of the body—primarily sexual, for that usually gives the greatest “kick,” but bodily violence is a close second.”

–– Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
But if we are not living the great drama of goodness in God’s kingdom, sensuality through the body is all that is left under our “kingdom.”

–– Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
If I am not connected to God and living for His promises then I am at risk for being enslaved again into my sinful desires. Connection to God and believing His promise is key for me to live free.
Contemplation Time

• Where am I in connection with God?
• Who/What is influencing me?
• What have I done? Have I disobeyed God?
• When I feel disconnected how does Satan tempt me to find comfort for myself outside of God’s will?
• How would my life look different if I was able to fully be open to taking in God’s love and His promises for me?