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First Baptist Church Keller

The Assurance of Salvation – 2020 Bible Conference

The Assurance of Salvation – 2020 Bible Conference

October 25-28, 2020

Locations & Times

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Sunday 7:00 PM

Monday 11:00 AM

Monday 7:00 PM

Tuesday 11:00 AM

Tuesday 7:00 PM

Wednesday 11:00 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM

Sunday – 8:30 a.m. – on campus and live-streamed
Sunday – 11:00 a.m. – on campus (video available online)
Sunday – 7:00 p.m. – live-streamed only
Monday – 11:00 a.m. – live-streamed only
Monday – 7:00 p.m. – live-streamed only
Tuesday – 11:00 a.m. – live-streamed only
Tuesday – 7:00 p.m. – live-streamed only
Wednesday – 11:00 a.m. – live-streamed only
Wednesday – 7:00 p.m. – live-streamed only
DAY 1 – Sunday, October 25
8:30 on campus and live-streamed
11:00 a.m. on campus (video available online)

Message: The Way of Assurance
Speaker: Dr. Phil Newton
1. God conquers the heart to bring assurance.
2. Confidence with God leads to more intense God-dependence.
3. The way of assurance follows His commandment.
DAY 1 – Sunday, October 25
7:00 p.m. live-streamed only

Message: Four Certainties in the Believer’s Assurance
Speaker: Dr. Phil Newton
1. An obligation to die to sin
2. A distinct leadership by the Spirit
3. A conscious belonging to the Father
4. An inner witness of the Spirit
DAY 2 – Monday, October 26
11:00 a.m. live-streamed only

Message: Whose Hands Are You In?
Speaker: Dr. Matt Pitts
1. Are You the Christ? (vs. 22-24)
2. Sheep or Not Sheep? (vs. 25-29)
3. Whose Hands Are You In? (vs. 30)
DAY 2 – Monday, October 26
7:00 p.m. live-streamed only

Message: Unshakeable Assurance
Speaker: Dr. Matt Pitts
1. Be Assured that God is For You (vs. 31)
2. Be Assured that God Will Give You All That Is Good For You (vs. 32)
3. Be Assured that No Charge Against You Will Stick (vs. 33)
4. Be Assured that No One Will Condemn You (vs. 34)
5. Be Assured that Nothing Can Separate You From the Love of God in Christ (vs. 35-39)
DAY 3 – Tuesday, October 27
11:00 a.m. live-streamed only

Message: What You Get Is What You Have
Speaker: Dr. Jim Richards
When we discuss “Assurance of Salvation”, it is important that we review the beginning of salvation. When it comes to a right relationship with God, how you get it is how you keep it. There are three truths about assurance we find in this verse.
1. Justification

God declares a believer righteous. Romans 5:1

It is a supernatural act of God! Romans 8:33
2. Works of the Law
All the Mosaic laws both in the ceremonial and moral aspects were given by God and therefore holy and good in themselves. Romans 7:7a, 12

No human deeds, no matter how sincere or extensive, can ever gain a standing before God resulting in justification. Titus 3:5

Works of the law are an attempt to win God’s favor.
3. Faith in Christ

Faith must have as its object the finished work of Christ. Saving faith is a radical gift from God not a human product.

The contrast seen is God’s free initiative in grace versus human efforts toward a self-attained salvation. Galatians 3:11

Justification provides a relationship with God that enables a believer to live righteously. Galatians 5:4-6
DAY 3 – Tuesday, October 27
7:00 p.m. live-streamed only

Message: Blessed Assurance
Speaker: Dr. Jim Richards
1. Affection for the Saints – 3:14

John 13:35

We show we love God when we love each other. Love is the birthmark of every believer.
2. Appropriation of the Spirit – 4:13, 4

Romans 8:9

Without the Spirit, a person is not in God’s family.
3. Acceptance of the Savior – 5: 11-12

John 6:44; 37

To believe on Jesus is to have the twin graces of repentance and faith. It is a sovereign work of God when He brings us to the end of ourselves, enlightens our minds and breathes into our Spirit.
DAY 4 – Wednesday, October 28
11:00 a.m. live-streamed only

Message: An Assurance of Salvation Cooperative
Speaker: Vergil Brown
The culture of discipleship in the local church gives believers assurance of salvation. Church discipline, which is a part of our discipleship commitment to one another, is a loving way of correcting the erring Christian or exposing a false profession.
1. God is committed to reconciliation. – v. 10-14
2. The Lord uses the church to accomplish the work of reconciliation. – v. 15-17
3. The church acts on the authority of Jesus. – v. 18-20
DAY 4 – Wednesday, October 28
7:00 p.m. live-streamed only

Message: The Fruit of the Gospel
Speaker: Vergil Brown
Paul wrote this opening chapter of 1 Thessalonians to highlight God's work of grace through the Thessalonians. He wrote to give them assurance that their faith was sincere; evidenced by their reception of the gospel and their corresponding good works.
1. Faith assured by works – v. 1-3
2. Faith assured by election – v. 4-5
3. Faith assured by repentance – v. 6-10


We'd love to hear from you! If you have a prayer need, a question, or would like to know more about salvation through Jesus Christ, please reach out to one of our pastors with the link below.

Explore the Bible – October 25, 2020

Fall – Session 8
God Renews

God provides strength for those who trust in Him.
Isaiah 40:18-31

People like being compared to someone who is well respected in
their given field. For example, a person who plays a sport usually
appreciates being compared to an accomplished player in that sport.
However, no one likes being compared to someone or something
beneath him or her. Isaiah understood this truth and proclaimed
that because everything is beneath God, nothing compares to Him.
God alone is worthy of worship and trust, and the one who trusts
in the Lord will not be disappointed.
Who is someone you have been compared to? How can a comparison be
flattering? How can a comparison lead to trouble?

Teacher: Gregory Baines

FBC Keller University: "Cultivating a Heart of Thanksgiving"

November 4, 11, and 18 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • FBC Keller University is a place where you and your whole family will take a deeper dive into scripture. We are committed to equipping and training you as you grow in the Word and in your Christian walk. We hope you will join us for our first series, "Cultivating a Heart of Thanksgiving." This series arrives at a perfect time when many are facing unprecedented challenges while approaching the holiday season. Each week will present a unique challenge and biblical, actionable answers to that challenge. You will leave with the proper knowledge and application of God's Word.

Operation Christmas Child – Build a Shoebox

Pack a shoebox today!Bless children around the world with a tangible expression of God’s love through a gift-filled shoebox. Build a shoebox online from your computer or handheld device. In just a few clicks, you can select toys and other fun items to include as well as a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. You can also pick up a box and label in the north or south entrances to fill at home. Please return filled boxes by November 15 to the north preschool desk.The Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared when shoeboxes boxes are distributed. As a result, families are reached, new churches are started, and communities are transformed. It all begins with you.


You can submit your contributions online through our website.