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Valley Church

The Unexpected Journey

The Unexpected Journey

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

Locations & Times

Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 10:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.

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God has called you to spiritually influence someone far from God.
Are you running away from or running toward them?
God isn’t changing his mind about you fulfilling his mission.
Do you want to learn the easy way or the hard way?
God can bring unimaginable spiritual awakening to unlikely people.
Do you believe it or doubt it?
God calls us out of selfishness to love our Nineveh.
Will you embrace his heart or keep fighting?

Discussion Questions

1. Loving our enemies is one of the most powerful distinctives of the Christian faith, but it is sometimes rarely seen. Have you ever experienced or witnessed a believer truly loving their enemy?

2. Jesus calls us to be the “light of the world,” that is, to spiritually influence those around us. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = running directly away and 10 = taking every opportunity to run toward), how would you rate your own passion toward spiritually influencing those far from God?

3. Who is “your Nineveh” – the person or the group of people you find it hard to love?

4. Can you imagine a spiritual awakening in our own city? What might it look like?