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Christ Wesleyan Church

March 4, 2018 - 9:00 & 10:45am

March 4, 2018 - 9:00 & 10:45am

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton:The Auditorium (Entrance #6)

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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It’s a Song of Surrender: The Servant

A. Jesus performs the act of a servant…
1. The time…it was just before Passover.
2. It was time for supper with His disciples.
3. No one had washed His feet, so Jesus took the act of service as an act of love.
4. Jesus used this humble act of service to teach His disciples by example.
B. An everyday opportunity to show servanthood…
1. It was the custom to take off your shoes upon entering a home or a holy place.
2. It was the custom to wash your hands and feet before meals and before bed.
3. Sandals or light shoes were standard footwear.
4. Ordinary people furnished guests with water and they washed their own feet. Richer homes had a slave to do the task, and this was the lowliest of services. Thus, John the Baptist’s response, “I’m not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of His sandals” (Mark 1:7)
C. Jesus knew...
1. Jesus knew His power but He willingly gave it up to demonstrate His love and true servanthood.
2. Jesus knew the custom of the day but He crossed boundaries to demonstrate that nothing was beneath a true servant.

3. Jesus knew that the disciples wouldn’t fully understand what He was doing but would grasp it later.
4. Jesus knew who would betray Him but that didn't hinder His true service.
5. Jesus knew that a visual picture would be created in their minds that they would never forget.
6. Jesus knew that they had to hear directly what their response should be.
7. Jesus knew that servanthood, in our minds, is always challenged by our self-seeking culture…and thus, the command was given!
D. What is a servant?
1. A servant serves to an audience of One!
2. A servant’s motivation must be love.
3. A servant gives without expecting a return.
4. A servant serves those in his/her world…family, work, school, church, etc.
5. A servant is eager to hear about other peoples’ days without monopolizing the conversation about their own. A servant is a listener.
6. A servant develops a “pay it forward” mindset.
7. A servant does not place different values on different people but is open to serve all.
8. A servant encourages others.
9. A servant thinks you, not me.
10. A servant acts with humility.
11. A servant is more concerned for his responsibilities than his rights.
12. A servant is trustworthy and willing to be accountable.
E. Jesus' example of servanthood...
1. “…did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage…” Servants do not let their attitude, their gifts, or their skills get in the way of serving!
2. “…He made Himself nothing…” Servants choose not to act as if they are entitled, but rather to serve.
3. “…taking the very nature of a servant…” Servants continue to serve and develop the very nature of serving.
4. “…being made in human likeness…” We must identify with those we serve…we empathize with those we serve.
5. “…And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Serving may take us to places where we don’t exactly wish to serve, but obedience is always worth it!

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