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Christ Wesleyan Church

February 25, 2018 - 9:00 & 10:45am

February 25, 2018 - 9:00 & 10:45am

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton:The Auditorium (Entrance #6)

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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It’s a Song of Awakening: The Bridesmaids

A. Preparation for the Bridegroom...
1. The Similarities…all ten bridesmaids:
- Were invited to the wedding
- Responded positively and accepted the invitation
- Had respect, admiration, or love for the bridegroom
- Believed the bridegroom would come
- Took their lamps and went to meet him
- Became drowsy and fell asleep1. The place: Bethany to Jerusalem. (Less than 2 miles apart.) Bethany was Jesus’ Judean home and He often stayed at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jerusalem has been considered the geographic center of the earth. and Lazarus. Jerusalem has been considered the geographic center of the earth.
2. The Difference...
- Five of them were wise and came prepared
- Five of them were foolish and were not prepared
The Elements in the Parable:
- The Bridegroom is Jesus
- The wedding feast is heaven – eternity with God
- The bridesmaids are people who claim the title of Christian
- The oil in the lamps is faith in Christ and holiness
B. Arrival of the Bridegroom…
1. The Bridegroom was indeed coming.
2. The Bridegroom was a long time in coming.
3. The Bridegroom arrived at midnight.
4. The Bridegroom arrived when the cry rang out.
C. Entering the Wedding Banquet with the Bridegroom...
1. The arrival of the Bridegroom is not the time to prepare
2. The five wise bridesmaids went into the wedding banquet with the Bridegroom.

3. Once the door is shut, it will not be opened again.
Are you ready?

Pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord or to recommit your life to Christ:

Dear Jesus, I admit to you that I am a sinner - and that I need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins and rose again defeating death and evil. Please forgive me. I want to turn from my sins and live in a way that is pleasing to You. I now invite You to come into my heart and my life. I want to trust and follow You as Savior and I want You to be the Lord of my life. Help me, Jesus, to live for You and to be prepared for the day You return. In Jesus’ name, Amen

“I Choose Jesus” cards are available in the back of the seats or in the pads in the bleachers

Or text “I Choose Jesus” to 88202

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