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Plantation SDA Church

Deeper Season 2 Episode 1: Joshua - What's in a name?

Deeper Season 2 Episode 1: Joshua - What's in a name?

Join us as Pastor Andrew Nugents starts Season two of Deeper. Deep study into the book of Joshua

Locations & Times

Plantation SDA Church

400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA

Wednesday 7:30 PM

Deeper Theme: How can the book of Joshua help me today, and is Joshua his real name?

What is his name?

• Deut. 32:44
• Num. 13: 8
Hoshea , Oshea

Meaning = Salvation
When did it change?

• Num. 13: 16
Yehoshua, Jehoshua
• Jehovah + (H)oshea

Joshua is an abbreviation
• Abbreviate Jehovah (J)
• Add it to former name (Oshea)

Means Salvation by/of Jehovah

• Personal: Name changes in the Bible are usually important [Jacob, Luz, Saul]
• Theological
• God has a monopoly on Salvation
• Ps. 3: 8
• Ps. 62: 1
• Rev. 7:10

-Joshua in Greek = Jesus
Why is he called Joshua in Exodus?

• Ex 17: 9
• Change anticipated
• Matt. 9:9
• Mark 2:14
• Tribal register for the spies
• It was his “government” name
• Nicknames are not official
In the Divine providence Hoshea became Joshua because he was destined to be the temporal saviour of his people, and to lead them into their promised rest.

The Pulpit Commentary
Main Theme for the Book of Joshua

• Joshua = Salvation of/by God
• Promise-Keeping/Covenant God
• Joshua 21: 43-45
• Book Outline
• Conquest of the land [1:1 – 12:24]
• Dividing of the inheritance [13:1 – 24:33]
Typology of Joshua

• Old Testament Joshua

• Jesus

• Church

• End of Time
The AntiType Meets Type

Our antitypical Joshua is still leading us to victory and rest today!