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Eastern Hills Baptist Church

Condemnation Combination

Condemnation Combination

Sermon Series: Amos—Prophet of Judgment & Justice

Locations & Times

Eastern Hills Baptist Church

3100 Morris St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

Welcome to Eastern Hills Baptist Church
We are so glad that you decided to join us in worship today. Here at Eastern Hills we realize that we are all in different places on our journey with Christ, and that's okay. Whether you are a seeker, looking for answers, or a long-time follower of Christ, you are welcome here.

1) God condemns mistreatment of the poor and needy.

2) God condemns idolatry.

3) God deals faithfully with His people.

4) God will judge His people's sin.

"And what innumerable mercies has He conferred on us? How has He formed us in the womb, and made us perfect in all our members; when we might have been hideous monsters, that could not endure the light of day! How has He furnished us with rational faculties, when many of our fellow-creatures are idiots, yea, less rational than the beasts! Above all, how has He endued us with an immortal soul, capable of knowing, serving, and enjoying God to all eternity! How has He kept us through the helpless years of infancy, and brought us in safely to the present hour; while thousands have never lived to receive instruction, or been cut off in the midst of their iniquities!"
-- Charles Simeon (1759-1836)

And the quote continues:
"Yet in what manner have we requited Him for all His love? Have we endeavored to improve our time and faculties in His service? Have not rather the multitude and continuance of His gifts been the occasion of our entirely forgetting the Donor?"

Discuss this as a family this week:
-- Is someone in your family reading Psalm 119 with the rest of the church? If so, what is a verse that has really been meaningful to you?
-- Brainstorm a little as a family. What is one practical way that we can serve a person or a family who is "poor and needy" this week? If you consider your family to be "poor and needy," what is a practical way that your church family can serve you this week? Communicate that need with the church office.
-- Make a list as a family of ways that God has blessed you in the last two weeks. Put it up somewhere that you can see it regularly.

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