CrossWay Church
July 26, 2020: Godly work
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Ephesians 6:5-9: Godly Work
Biblical Definition of Work: Work is any necessary and meaningful task that God calls and gifts a person to do and which can honor Him and serve others.
I) Who were the slaves?
A) Slavery in America was race-based, ________, & involved kidnapping.
B) Slavery in Greco - Roman world was more nuanced.
1) Some Roman slaves were _______________ taken from their homelands and forced into slavery.
2) Others were ___________ servants, who were paying off a bill.
C) Paul is not ________________ slavery, rather, advising Christians how to live in the current economic system. His teaching is counter cultural.
1) In the church, all were treated equally.
2) Paul spoke against American style ____________ of slaves.
D) Our work would be the closest application.
II) Who do you work for?
A) We often work under a ____________ here on earth.
B) Paul knows that someone or something often ____________ our work.
Why do you work?
C) Paul urges Christians to make pleasing ____________ the primary motivation for our work.
III) How will we work if God is our master and motivation?
A) We will be ______________ and sincere toward others.
1) We will ____________ those is authority.
2) If we have authority, we will not ______________ or abuse our power or show favoritism.
B) We will put our __________ into our work.
C) We will work _______ even when no one is watching.
D) We will __________ others as Christ served us.
Biblical Definition of Work: Work is any necessary and meaningful task that God calls and gifts a person to do and which can honor Him and serve others.
I) Who were the slaves?
A) Slavery in America was race-based, ________, & involved kidnapping.
B) Slavery in Greco - Roman world was more nuanced.
1) Some Roman slaves were _______________ taken from their homelands and forced into slavery.
2) Others were ___________ servants, who were paying off a bill.
C) Paul is not ________________ slavery, rather, advising Christians how to live in the current economic system. His teaching is counter cultural.
1) In the church, all were treated equally.
2) Paul spoke against American style ____________ of slaves.
D) Our work would be the closest application.
II) Who do you work for?
A) We often work under a ____________ here on earth.
B) Paul knows that someone or something often ____________ our work.
Why do you work?
C) Paul urges Christians to make pleasing ____________ the primary motivation for our work.
III) How will we work if God is our master and motivation?
A) We will be ______________ and sincere toward others.
1) We will ____________ those is authority.
2) If we have authority, we will not ______________ or abuse our power or show favoritism.
B) We will put our __________ into our work.
C) We will work _______ even when no one is watching.
D) We will __________ others as Christ served us.