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Christ Wesleyan Church

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton:The Auditorium (Entrance #6)

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Friend in the Military: Defending and Believing - The Centurion

Centurion = ISTP
ISTP – Action-oriented, logical, analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure skilled at understanding how mechanical things work.
To increase energy, those who…
Turn to others are an E (extroversion) Turn inward are I (introversion)
Those who take in information in a…
Creative way are an N (intuition) Pragmatic way are S (sensing)
When making decisions, those who…
Seek harmony are an F (feeling) Seek objective truth are T (thinking)
Those who prefer to…
Get closer and act are a J (judging) Stay open and adapt are P (perceiving)

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Discover your personality profile online.
A. The Roman officer…
1. The Roman officer served under Herod, King of Judea, appointed by the Roman State.
2. The Roman officer was a class within the military that was over 80-100 soldiers. They were considered the best of the best.
3. The average soldier received 200-300 denarii per year. Skilled workers at that time may have received up to 350 denarii. A Roman officer could receive 5,000 denarii per year.
4. It took years for the promotions to be given to enable a soldier to reach the officer status.
5. This officer was compassionate, caring, hard-working, humble, sincere, and generous.
B. Reconciling Matthew 8 and Luke 7…
1. Matthew was more topical and Luke more chronological in their presentations.
2. Matthew was concerned about the faith of the officer, the authority of Jesus to heal, and the plan to receive Gentiles into salvation.
3. Luke was concerned about the humility and faith of the officer and a Gentile who was so well-esteemed.
4. Here is a presentation that could represent both passages:
“The scene could have unfolded as follows: The centurion had a dying servant who was dear to him. Having heard of Jesus’ healing ministry (this was not His first entry into the city—Luke 4:31) and having believed in Him, he knew that the Master could heal the boy. Yet, the boy was paralyzed by illness and in great agony, unable to be moved. The centurion, being a Gentile and understanding that Jesus was from God, could not see himself going directly to Jesus to ask on behalf of this servant nor having Jesus come to his home. He could, however, summon some Jewish leaders of the synagogue which he built at his own expense, to go on his behalf. They did and Jesus began to return to the house with them. As Jesus came near, the centurion was horrified that Jesus might actually come under his roof. So he sent some friends to explain the case. As they went and engaged Jesus, the centurion while watching could contain himself no longer. He overrode his conviction about not being worthy to go and went anyway. When he reached Jesus, he stated directly the seriousness of the matter, perhaps to justify his coming against his conviction. Jesus, having heard once already that He need not be present to heal the boy, elicited the response directly from the lips of the man himself. Now, having heard it twice, once indirectly and once directly, He turned to those who had been following Him and made the statement comparing the centurion’s faith to any that He had seen thus far among the people of Israel—His people who should have recognized Him. He made it once and then emphatically restated it. The unabashed faith of this Gentile centurion prompted Jesus to teach about the nature of those who will enter the kingdom and those who will be left out. People of faith will be included; people who depend on heritage and works will be excluded. Finally, He responded directly to the centurion that he could return home, assured that what he had requested had been accomplished, just as he believed it would. Whether he tarried or went home is not stated. But, his messengers did return to find that the boy had, in fact, been healed that very hour.” JR Shaffer
C. If you were friends with the Roman officer, what takeaway would you gain from your friendship?
From the officer:
1. Never be afraid to go beyond your comfort zone to seek God’s help.
2. Confidence with humility is the pathway to reach Jesus.
3. Generosity crosses all barriers.
4. Good character will bring others to support you in your time of need.
5. No price is too great to pay to make a difference in the lives of others…your reputation, your resources, and your greatest efforts.
6. Character and faith speak louder than your name.
From Jesus:
7. Jesus has no restrictions as to who He heals as in Christians or non-Christians…it is only to bring glory to God.
8. The person needing healing does not have to have the faith, nor to be present, for healing to take place.
9. Faith is the most persuasive tool we have to bring Jesus’ presence into our lives.
10. Faith is demonstrated by our actions as well as our words.
11. Jesus’ priority to welcome believers into the Kingdom is not their status, their heritage, or their birthright, but their faith demonstrated by their lives.
12. When Jesus says, “It’s done!” Believe it and walk in it!
ISTJ –Responsible, sincere, analytical, reserved, realistic, systematic. Hardworking and trustworthy with sound practical judgment.

ISFJ – Warm considerate, gentle, responsible, pragmatic, and thorough. Devoted caretakers who enjoy being helpful to others.

INFJ – Idealistic, organized, insightful, dependable, compassionate and gentle. Seek harmony and cooperation, enjoy intellectual stimulation.

INTJ – Innovative, independent, strategic, logical, reserved, insightful. Driven by their own original ideas to achieve improvements.

ISTP – Action-oriented, logical, analytical, spontaneous, reserved, independent. Enjoy adventure skilled at understanding how mechanical things work.

ISFP – Gentle, sensitive, nurturing, helpful, flexible, realistic. Seek to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical.

INFP – Sensitive, creative, idealistic, perceptive, caring, loyal. Value inner harmony and personal growth, focus on dreams and possibilities.

INTP – Intellectual, logical, precise, reserved, flexible, imaginative. Original thinkers who enjoy speculation and creative problem-solving.

ESTP – Outgoing, realistic, action-oriented, curious, versatile, spontaneous. Pragmatic problem solvers and skillful negotiators.

ESFP – Playful, enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexible. Have strong common sense; enjoy helping people in tangible ways.

ENFP – Enthusiastic, creative spontaneous, optimistic, supportive, playful. Value inspiration; enjoy starting new projects, see potential in others.

ENTP – Inventive, enthusiastic, strategic, enterprising, inquisitive, versatile. Enjoy new ideas and challenges, value inspiration.

ESTJ – Efficient, outgoing, analytical, systematic, dependable, realistic. Like to run the show and get things done in an orderly fashion.

ESFJ – Friendly, outgoing, reliable, conscientious, organized, practical. Seek to be helpful and please others, enjoy being active and productive.

ENFJ – Caring, enthusiastic, idealistic, organized, diplomatic, responsible. Skilled communicators who value connection with people.

ENTJ – Strategic, logical, efficient, outgoing, ambitious, independent. Effective organizers of people and long- range planners.

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