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Encounter Church

Faith - A journey that moves mountains

Faith - A journey that moves mountains

Not all faith is created equal. Today we examine two declarations made by two unlikely heroes. Join us as we both encourage and challenge your faith so that together we might just move mountains.

Locations & Times

Encounter Church Elkhart

1111 W Bristol St, Elkhart, IN 46514, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

Online Connection Card - Fill Out Using the Link Below

Go ahead and fill out this week's Connection Card online.  Simply click on the button below and fill out the form there.

Declarations of Faith
1. Perhaps God
2. I am with you completely

How to know if you should step out in faith?
1. Look for God at Work (Grace)
2. Listen for God's voice
3. Be willing to learn as you go

Possible Next Steps -
1. Come With Us
2. Serve With Us
3. Pray With Us
4. Celebrate With Us

Write Other Notes Here:

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Your Tithes and Gifts make a real difference at Encounter Church and are vital to the every day ministry of our church. We ask that you prayerfully consider what God is asking you to give. This link will take you directly to our online giving portal. You will see St. Mark Missionary Church's logo. 
St. Mark Missionary Church is one of our sending churches and has graciously agreed to oversee our books for this first year. There is a box marked Church Plant. Check this box and 100% of the donation will go to the ministries of Encounter Church. St. Mark Missionary Church will distribute receipts showing that your donations were Tax Deductible. Questions? Contact us or