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Dewey Community Church

6/7/20 - Life in the 4th Quarter: Serving Faithfully

6/7/20 - Life in the 4th Quarter: Serving Faithfully

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2020

As this is our first Sunday worshipping in person since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, we appreciate your understanding while things continue to look a little different.

If you are not already receiving church emails but would like to be, please contact the church office at
Serving Faithfully
1 Peter 4:10-11
In light of these days in which we are living, the strength of God’s family increases as we serve one another. In our text, we discover 3 aspects of service rendered within the family of God.
I. God’s family is strengthened when our service is rendered mutually.
II. God’s family is strengthened when our service is rendered distinctively.

A. Speaking

B. Serving
III. God’s family is strengthened when our service is rendered faithfully.
Conclusion:The end of all things is near! May we live out these days by praying fervently, loving deeply, sharing freely and serving faithfully.

See DCC's plan for return to in-person worship services.
Mon- Fri, June 8-12 // Virtual Vacation Bible School
It's here! If you or someone you know would like to participate in this year's Virtual VBS, you'll find all videos on the DCC website -- If you registered for the event, all videos will be sent via email (look for one in the afternoon, too). Please continue to pray for the children and parents who will be learning about Jesus this week, that they will see that Jesus truly is our strong foundation. Ask God if there is someone you can share VVBS with (just share the church website with them!). Also, pray for the mission for the week (you can learn more at and information about how to donate will be included in the VVBS emails and on church website.
This, June 11 @ 7:00p // This Little Light of Mine Preschool Board meeting.
Next Sunday, June 14 // Worship will again be held in the gym at 10:35a. The service will include the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Single-serving, self-contained bread and juice packets will be provided.
Remember to pray... For Al L. who is having hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, June 9... For Geneva I. who is currently a resident at Accolade Nursing Home in Paxton... For Glen J. who is receiving treatment for a sore in his foot... That Maynard B. will experience improvement in his eyesight following his recent surgery... For God's Word to touch the lives of many through VVBS... For FEC president, Rocky R. who is having shoulder surgery this Thursday... For the search committee as they begin the search process in earnest... For justice to reign and for peace to be restored throughout our nation... For our missionaries who are experiencing the challemgesnof covid-19 in places far removed from their family support system.
The Search Committee began meeting this past Thursday evening (June 4). The committee includes Daniel G, Ben H, Neal H, Eric H, Clair L, F L, and Denise P. One of their first tasks will be to begin advertising the position. Please keep this group in your prayers in the coming weeks.
Our Daily Bread // DCC has not received these devotionals for the new quarter which began June 1. Publication and distribution has been delayed due to covid-19. The daily devotionals can be accessed online at
A Baptism Service is being planned for later in the summer. If you or your child would like to give a public expression of your faith in Christ through baptism, please contact Pastor Neal.

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