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Dewey Community Church

5/31/20 - Life in the 4th Quarter: Sharing Freely

5/31/20 - Life in the 4th Quarter: Sharing Freely

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday, May 31, 2020

You can listen to this week's church service online at

During this time of staying home, Pastor Neal is emailing a daily devotion (Tuesday-Friday), along with a Sunday email called DCC@Home. If you are not already receiving these emails but would like to, contact the church office at
Sharing Freely
1 Peter 4:9
Sharing freely with others and especially with fellow Christians is absolutely essential for surviving and thriving in these days of Covid-19. As we study the New Testament teaching regarding biblical hospitality, we discover 3 benefits for so doing.
I. Sharing Freely with others helps us to foster a ministry mindset..
II. Sharing Freely with others helps us to foster spiritual maturity.
III. Sharing Freely with others helps us to foster meaningful relationships.
Conclusion: Hospitality. Sharing Freely. This is Peter’s prescription for surviving and thriving in the days in which we are living. Let us be intentional about doing so with great joy!
As a tonic for a troubled world, friendship and behaving with consideration and care may seem light and even frivolous, but that could be because we have lost a sensitivity to the values of the soul. We touch the souls of others by creating a comfortable atmosphere, offering kindness and encouragement and fostering fun times. In turn, we can humbly allow others to nurture and refuel us.
- Judith Couchman
Remember to Pray: for Geneva I. who is undergoing rehab at OSF to regain her strength after a period of poor health...for Al L. as he prepares for hip replacement surgery on June 9...that Maynard B. will experience improved eyesight following his recent surgery...for the Search Committee as they begin meeting...for DCC leadership as they make decisions regarding the resumption of worship services...for dry weather so that our farmers can complete their spring planing...for God's Word to impact the lives of many young people through the VVBS (Virtual Vacation Bible School) ministry...that all those in our congregation who fall into the 'at risk' demographic will be able to steer clear of the coronavirus...for our missionaries who are experiencing the challenges presented by Covid-19 in places far removed from their family support systems...for justice to be done and peace to be restored in Minneapolis and throughout our nation.
The DCC Elders, Trustees and Stewardship Committee Members are meeting this evening at 5:00 pm (May 31) to discuss matters relating to the restoring of in-person worship services. The conversation is prompted by the latest document released by the Illinois Department of Public Health this past Thursday. Please keep the group in your prayers.
Our Daily Bread: DCC has not received these devotionals for the new quarter which starts on June 1. Publication and distribution has been delayed due to theCOVID-19 outbreak. The daily devotionals can be accessed on line at
Search Committee: The Search Committee (Dan G, Ben H, Neal H, Eric H, Clair L, Tom L, Denise P.) will hold their first meeting on Thursday, June 4 at 7:00 pm. Please keep the group in your prayers over the coming months.
A Baptism Service is being planned for later in the summer. If you or your child would like to give public expression to your faith in Christ through baptism, please contact Pastor Neal.
Instant Church Directory: The online directory can now be accessed by downloading the Instant Church Directory app from Google Play, the Apple App Store or Kindle Fire. After downloading the app: 1) enter your email which you provided for the directory; 2) follow the directions on screen to complete the login process. Once logged in you have access to the entire directory and you can edit your families information. (Including adding a picture to your entry. Currently there are very few pictures in the directory!) If you are have not provided information for the directory please do so by contacting the church office. We would like this directory to be a current and complete representation of the DCC family. For more information you can visit the Instant Church Directory website at Contact the church office.
DCC Email Sign-Up: Several means of accessing information from DCC are available via email. These include: 1) Pastor Neal's devotionals; 2) a weekly link to the DCC digital Sunday bulletin; and 3) other news, announcements and prayer requests. If you would like to be included on one, two or all three of these lists, please email the church office at

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No food = no Bible translation!
Requests for emergency food and relief from our language partners and translation teams are flooding in from all over the world. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, whole regions are suffering incredible food shortages.
Please prayerfully consider supporting Wycliffe Associate's emergency fund.

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