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Christ Wesleyan Church

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton:The Auditorium (Entrance #6)

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Home for Christmas: Advent Series (Part 3)
A Supportive Home: Jerusalem
A. Jerusalem held great support for Jesus...
1. Jerusalem was a large city with a population of 80,000 to 100,000. The population could swell to over a million during festivals. It was the “City of David” with steep slopes on each side making it a defensible site.
2. “Herod was on the throne in 37 B.C., and he began the greatest building program Jerusalem had known. He constructed a new city wall, a theater and amphitheater, athletic fields, and a new palace. His reconstruction of the temple and the expansion of its platform made it the crown jewel of Jerusalem.” -Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
3. Jerusalem to Nazareth was about 70 miles, with Bethlehem about 6 miles from Jerusalem.
4. Jerusalem meant the “City of God” or “Peace” and is mentioned 146 times in the New Testament; 660 times in the Old Testament. Whenever the “Temple” is mentioned in Scripture, it is referring to the city of Jerusalem.
B. Anna and Simeon were two prominent characters mentioned in the infancy of Jesus…
1. The first ceremony for Jesus would have been the circumcision and took place on the 8th day of His life and probably was in his temporary home of Bethlehem.
2. The second and third ceremony took place when Jesus was about six weeks old. It was the presentation and sacrifice for the child and then the purification of the mother.
3. Simeon’s prophecy and blessing.
What do we know about Simeon?
a. He was righteous and devout.
b. He was a man of faith and hope.
c. He was filled with the Spirit and led by the Spirit.
4. Anna receives the reward for her faithfulness.
What do we know about Anna?
a. She was a prophetess.
b. She was devout and faithful.
c. She broadcast the good news of Jesus.
C. Zechariah and Elizabeth played a prominent spiritual and family role in the infancy of Jesus...
1. Mary is believed to have had family support as Elizabeth was a cousin, living about 70 miles from Mary’s home. Elizabeth’s name meant “the oath of God.”
2. Elizabeth was the daughter of a priest, “advanced in years” and barren. The greatest joy of childbirth had been deprived. The belief that they were hiding something would have been common.
3. Zechariah meaning “the Lord remembers” was a devout priest who chose to live just outside of Jerusalem rather than in the elite section of Jerusalem where other priests lived. Zechariah was chosen to enter the Holy of Holies to serve.
4. God performed the impossible for the couple by giving them “John the Baptist” who would prepare the way for Jesus.
D. How will you prepare for Jesus to be evident in your life?
1. Simeon was devout in his faith and listened to the leading of the Holy Spirit. What is God leading you to do?
Are you listening to His voice?
Do you have faith to believe His leading?
2. Anna was waiting on God’s promises…even though it took a lifetime to see it fulfilled.
What promises has God given you that you need to hold on to no matter what the circumstances appear to be?
No matter how long you have to wait?
3. Zechariah and Elizabeth were devout about their faith, and their living choice showed that they cared more about what God thought than what people thought.
Is God asking you to do something that pushes you past your comfort zone?
Is he asking you to be a witness in spite of what people think?
Is he asking you to live for Him in spite of what others think?
4. Zechariah and Elizabeth faced disappointment and disgrace but continued to serve and believe. Consequently, God did the impossible!
What is God calling you to believe, despite disappointments, that may seem impossible…but to hold on… and keep believing?
Coming Soon:
December 18: The Predicted and Celebrated Home: Bethlehem
December 25: I’ll Be Home For Christmas - You can pick up the DVD in the foyer today!

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