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Christ Wesleyan Church

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Sunday Morning Services - 9:00 & 10:45am

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton:The Auditorium (Entrance #6)

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Home for Christmas: Advent Series (Part 2)
A Home to Grow: Nazareth
A. Nazareth as a home for Jesus...
1. Nazareth was a small village on a hill of about 400.
2. Nazareth was looked down on by those from the people of Judea. People of Nazareth were considered less cultivated, with a ruder dialect, and were influenced by the Gentiles with less moral or religious character.
3. Nazareth was about 70 miles from Bethlehem.
4. The trip from Egypt would have been somewhere between 100-200 miles depending on the area where Joseph and Mary settled for refuge.
B. Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth…
1. Jesus grew up in a village with brothers and sisters.
2. Jesus learned His“father’s” trade as a carpenter.
“He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary…”
3. Jesus grew in wisdom, size, and favor.
4. Jesus’ wisdom exceeded His age!
C. Life was hard for Jesus in Nazareth…
1. He was rejected by His own.
2. His life was threatened.
3. He was limited in miracles.
4. Still, He would always carry the label of being a Nazarene.
Coming Soon:
December 11: A Supportive Home: Jerusalem
December 18: The Predicted and Celebrated Home: Bethlehem
December 25: I’ll Be Home For Christmas - You can pick up the DVD in the foyer today!

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D. What are your expectations as a follower of Christ?
1. Mary and Joseph had to leave all that was familiar to find safety.
What is God asking you to leave behind to follow His voice?
2. Mary and Joseph had to trust the voice of God to guide them.
Where is God leading you in your personal walk? What is He prompting you to do…or not do?
3. The promise of the angel, “Do not be afraid” did not guarantee that Mary and Joseph would not face danger, criticism, hard times, poverty, or any other threatening circumstance.
What promises do you need to hold onto as you walk through challenging times?
4. Jesus had no guarantee of acceptance by those in His own home area, as well as limitations due to the faith of others.
What is God calling you to do by faith? Is there rejection in your life that you need to surrender? God has peace for all who will follow!
“Children in Jesus' day played games similar to hopscotch and jacks. Whistles, rattles, toy animals on wheels, hoops, and spinning tops have been found by archaeologists. Older children and adults found time to play, too, mainly with board games. A form of checkers was popular then.
Tradesmen would be instantly recognizable by the symbols they wore. Carpenters stuck wood chips behind their ears, tailors stuck needles in their tunics, and dyers wore colored rags. On the Sabbath, these symbols were left at home.

The second commandment forbade "graven images," so there are few Jewish portraits showing dress at the time. Also because of this prohibition, the Jews produced little in the way of painting, sculpture, or carvings. The masonry and carpentry of the day appear utilitarian. One notable exception to the commandment seems to be the tolerance of dolls for children.

At the two meals each day, bread was the main food. The light breakfasts—often flat bread, olives, and cheese (from goats or sheep)—were carried to work and eaten at mid-morning. Dinners were more substantial, consisting of vegetable (lentil) stew, bread (barley for the poor, wheat for the rich), fruit, eggs, and/or cheese. Fish was a common staple, but red meat was reserved for special occasions. Locusts were a delicacy and reportedly taste like shrimp. (Jews wouldn't have known that, however, since shrimp and all other crustaceans were "unclean.")

As carpenters, Joseph and Jesus would have created mainly farm tools (carts, plows, winnowing forks, and yokes), house parts (doors, frames, posts, and beams), furniture, and kitchen utensils.”

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