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San Lucas 23

Jesús tejc'anot ta stojol Pilato
(Mt 27.1-2,11-14; Mr 15.1-5; Jn 18.28-38)
1Jich jajch'ic bael ta spisilic, la yiq'uic bael ta stojol Pilato te Jesuse. 2Tey la yalic a te bila smulinej ta sc'opique, jich la yalic:
—Ja' in winic to, ya sjajch'es c'op ta spamal te nación cu'untique. Ya scomotic ta stojel te patan yu'un César. Soc ya yal sba te ja' Cristo te muc' ajwalile —xiic.
3Te Pilato jich la sjojc'obey te Jesuse:
—¿Ja'at bal Muc' Ajwalilat yu'un te judioetique? —xi'.
La yal te Jesuse:
—Ja'at te jich la awale —xi'.
4Te Pilato jich la yalbey te jwolwanej-sacerdoteetic soc spisil te ants-winiquetique:
—Ma'yuc smul la jtabey in winic to —xi'.
5Ja'uc me to, la yaq'uic puersa ta c'op:
—Te p'ijubtesel yu'une, ya sboltesbey yo'tanic a te lume. Ja' to jajch' tel ta sq'uinal Galilea soc ta sq'uinal Judea, ja' to c'alal li'to —xiic.
Te Jesús tejc'anot ta stojol Herodes
6Te bit'il jich la yaiy stojol te Pilatoe, la sjojc'o yaiy teme galilea-winic te Jesuse. 7Te c'alal la yaiy stojol, la sticun bael ta stojol Herodes te ja' ay ta ajwalil ta sq'uinal Galilea, yu'un talem ta Jerusalén a. 8Te Herodes bin nax yo'tan yu'un te la yilbey sit te Jesuse, yu'un ayix bayal c'aal te yo'tan c'an yilbey sit. Melel yaiyojbey stojol sc'oplal. Ja' la sc'an yo'tan te yacuc ac'botuc yil jchajp at'elil yu'une. 9Bayal bila la sjojc'obey, ja'uc me to, te Jesús jp'al ma la sujt'es. 10Te jwolwanej-sacerdoteetic soc te jts'ibojometique tey ayic uuc a. Bayal bila la slebeyic smulin te Jesuse. 11Te Herodes soc te soldadoetic yu'une, la stse'layic te Jesuse soc la slabanic. La yac'beyic slap t'ujbil c'u'ul swenta muc' ajwalil. Jich te Herodese la sticun sujt'el ta stojol te Pilatoe. 12Jich ora te junaj yo'tan sbaic c'ot soc Pilato te Herodese, yu'un ayix c'aal te scontroinej sbaique.
Chajbaj sc'oplal ta milel ta cruz te Jesuse
(Mt 27.15-26; Mr 15.6-15; Jn 18.39—19.16)
13Te Pilato la sticun ta tsobel tel te jwolwanej-sacerdoteetic, soc te jtuuneletic, soc spisil te lume. 14Jich la yalbey yaiyic:
—Ja'ex la atejc'anbonic ta jtojol in winic to. La awalbonic te bit'il yac ta sboltesel ta ac'opic te lume. Ja'uc me to, la quich'beyix sc'op ta atojolic soc la awiliquix te bit'il ma'yuc smul la jtabey, manchuc teme bayal smul la alebeyique. 15Soc uuc te Herodese ma'yuc smul la stabey, melel la sticunbotiquix sujt'el tel. Jich ma'yuc smul te ya x'ac'ot ta lajel yu'une. 16Ya me cac'bey castigo, patil ya me jcoltay bael —xi'.
17[Te Pilato puersa ya scoltay bael jtul chuquel ta q'uin swenta yu'un ya yac'bey sbujts' yo'tan a te lume.] 18Spisil te lume maj nax awunic:
—¡Bajt'uc ta milel me winic to! ¡Ja' me xacoltaybotic bael te Barrabase! —xiic ta aw.
19Te Barrabás ay ta chuquel yu'un te la sjajch'es bayal c'op ta yolil lum soc ta scaj te la yaiy milawe. 20Te Pilato yo'tan scoltay bael te Jesuse. Jich la sc'opon xan te lume. 21Ja'uc me to, tulan awunic xan:
—¡Mila ta cruz! ¡Mila ta cruz! —xiic ta aw.
22Ta yoxebal buelta la yal te Pilatoe:
—¿Bila amen spasoj? Te jo'one ma'yuc bi amen la jtabey te ya x'ac'ot ta lajel yu'une. Ya me cac'bey castigo, patil ya jcoltay bael —xi'.
23Ja'uc me to, tulan awunic xan ta sc'anel te ya x'ac'ot ta lajel ta cruz. Te bit'il la yaq'uic puersa ta aw te lume soc te jwolwanej-sacerdoteetique, jich ju' yu'unic. 24Te Pilato la snop ta yo'tan te ya spasbey te bila ya sc'an yo'tanic te lume. 25Jich la scoltay bael te mach'a la sc'anbeyic scoltayel soc te ay ta chuquel yu'un te la sjajch'es c'ope soc te la yaiy milawe. Yan te Jesuse, la yac'bey ta sc'abic stuquel, ja' la spasbey te sc'anjel yo'tanique.
Jijp'aj ta cruz te Jesuse
(Mt 27.32-44; Mr 15.21-32; Jn 19.17-27)
26C'alal la yiq'uic bael te Jesuse, la stsaquic jtul Cirene-winic te xc'otuc ta c'alc'altic te Simón sbiile. Ja' la yac'beyic xcuch bael te scruz. Neel ay bael te Jesuse.
27Spisil te lume la sts'aclinic bael soc ay tsobol antsetic te tulan yacalic ta oq'uel soc mel-o'tan ta swenta te Jesuse. 28Te Jesús la sujt'es sba yil soc la yalbey:
—Te ja'ex yantsilel Jerusalén, ma me x'oq'uex cu'un. Oq'uetaya aba atuquelic, soc te awalataquique. 29Melel ya me sta yorail te jich ya yich' alele: “Bin nax yutsil te mach'a xujt' ma ba alajique, soc te ma ba c'ax alal ta xch'ujt'ique, soc uuc te mach'a xujt' ma ba nuc'bot xchu'ique”, te xie. 30Jich me ya xjajch' yawtayic te witstiquile: “Net'awotic”, xiic me. Soc jich me ya yalbeyic te ch'in witsetique: “Mucawotic”,#Os 10.8; Ap 6.16. ya me yutic. 31Te bit'il ya spasbeyic te yaxal te'e, ¿ja'uc to bal a te taquin te'e? —xi' te Jesuse.
32Soc ic'ot bael cheb winiquetic te bayal bila amen spasojique, yu'un pajal ya yich'ic milel soc te Jesuse. 33C'alal c'otic ta bay te q'uinal Baqueljolol sbiile, tey la yich' jijp'anel ta cruz a te Jesuse soc uuc te cheb winiquetic te bayal bila amen spasojique, jtul ta swa'el soc jtul ta xq'uexen. [ 34Te c'alal jipilix ta cruz yu'unic te Jesuse, jich la yal:
—Jtat, pasbeya perdón, melel ma sna'ic stojol te bila ya spasique —xi'.]
Te soldadoetic la spasic ta número yilic te bila ya xc'ot ta swentaic juju-jtul yu'un te sc'u'-spac' te Jesuse.#Sal 22.18. 35Spisil te lume, yacalic ta yilel te bila c'ot ta pasele. Soc te jtuuneletic la slabanic te Jesuse. Jich la yalic:
—La scoltay yantic. Ta ora to ac'a scoltay sba uuc teme ja' Cristo te tsabil yu'un te Diose —xiic ta slabanel.
36Ja' nanix jich la slabanic uuc te soldadoetique, soc tal yac'beyic yuch' te vinagre. 37Soc jich la yalbeyic:
—Teme ja'at te muc' ajwalilat yu'un te judioetique, coltaya aba quiltic —xiic ta slabanel.
38Soc la slejch'anbeyic ta bajel ta sjol cruz te bila ts'ibubil ta griego, ta latín, soc ta hebreo-c'op: “JA' IN TO JA' TE MUC' AJWALIL YU'UN TE JUDIOETIQUE”, xi' te ts'ibubile.
39Te mach'atic jmulawiletic te pajal jipilic ta cruz soc te Jesuse ay jtul te bol-c'opoje, jich la yal:
—Teme ja'at te Cristoate, coltaya aba quiltic, soc coltayawotic uuc te jo'otique —la yut.
40Ja'uc me to, te yane la scom ta c'op, jich la yal:
—¿Yu'un bal ma x'axi' te Diose, te bit'il pajal ayotic ta castigo soque? 41Te jo'otique stojil te ayotic ta castigo yu'un te amen cat'eltique. Yan in winic to, ma'yuc bila amen spasoj stuquel —xi'.
42Te winic la sc'opon te Jesuse, jich la yal:
—Na'awon me a te c'alal ya xtalat ta ajwalinele —xi'.
43Te Jesús jich la yalbey:
—Ya calbat ta jamal, ya me joinat ta utsilal yo'tic —xi'.
Laj te Jesuse
(Mt 27.45-56; Mr 15.33-41; Jn 19.28-30)
44Olilix c'aal a te ijc'ub q'uinal ta spamal te balumilale, ja' to c'alal oxeb ora smalel te c'aale. 45Ijc'ub te c'aale. In te pac'#Ex 26.31-33; 2 Cr 3.14. macbil a te ch'ul awilal ta temploe, jats ta olil. 46Tulan awun te Jesuse, jich la yal:
—Jtat, ya cac'bat ta ac'ab te jch'ulele#Sal 31.5; Hch 7.59. —xi' ta aw.
Te c'alal jich la yale, loc' xch'ulel.
47Te c'alal la yil te centurión yu'un soldado te bila c'ot ta pasele, la yalbey yutsil sc'oplal te Diose. Jich la yal:
—Melel nix a te ma'yuc smul in winic to —xi' yu'un.
48Ay tsobol talemic ta yilel te bila c'ot ta pasele, la smajulay yo'tanic yu'un mel-o'tan te sujt'ic baele. 49Spisil te mach'atic sna'ojbeyic sba te Jesuse soc te antsetic te la sts'aclinic tel c'alal ta sq'uinal Galilea,#Lc 8.2-3. q'uejel to teq'uelic ta yilel spisil te bila c'ot ta pasele.
La yich' muquel te Jesuse
(Mt 27.57-61; Mr 15.42-47; Jn 19.38-42)
50Ay jtul winic José sbiil te talem ta ch'in lum Arimatea te ay ta sq'uinal Judea. Lec yo'tan soc toj yat'el, soc miembro yu'un uuc te Muc'ul Tsoblej yu'un te judioetique. 51Ja'uc me to, ma la yac' sba a te bi la snopic soc te bi la spasique, soc yac ta smaliyel te ya xjajch' ta ajwalinel te Diose. 52Ja' ba sc'anbey Pilato te sbaq'uetal te Jesuse. 53La scojt'es ta cruz, soc la spots ta sábana-pac'. Ba yac' jilel ta bay muquenal te jutbil p'ijom ch'en te ma to ayuc mach'a mujq'uem tey a. 54Ja' sc'aalelal a te ya xchajban sbaic yu'un te sc'aalelal cux-o'tane.
55Te antsetic te talic soc Jesús c'alal ta sq'uinal Galilea, la sts'aclinic bael te Joseje. La yilic te muquenale soc te bit'il tey jil a te sbaq'uetal te Jesuse. 56C'alal sujt'ic bael ta na, la xchajbanbeyic xpoxil sbaq'uetal te bujts'an nax yiq'ue. Jich la xcux yo'tanic ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan, jich te bit'il ya yal te mandalile.#Ex 20.10; Dt 5.14.

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San Lucas 23: TZOXCH





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