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Tehillim (Psalms) 119

1Aleph Blessed are the perfect in the way, Who walk in the Torah of יהוה!
2Blessed are those who observe His witnesses, Who seek Him with all the heart!
3Yes, they shall do no unrighteousness; They shall walk in His ways.
4You have commanded us To guard Your orders diligently.
5Oh, that my ways were established To guard Your laws!
6Then I would not be ashamed, When I look into all Your commands.
7I thank You with uprightness of heart, When I learn the right-rulings of Your righteousness.
8I guard Your laws; Oh, do not leave me entirely!
9Bĕt How would a young man cleanse his path? To guard it according to Your word.
10I have sought You with all my heart; Let me not stray from Your commands!
11I have treasured up Your word in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
12Blessed are You, O יהוה! Teach me Your laws.
13With my lips I have recounted All the right-rulings of Your mouth.
14I have rejoiced in the way of Your witnesses, As over all riches.
15I meditate on Your orders, And regard Your ways.
16I delight#See Psa. 119:24; Psa. 119:35; Psa. 119:47; Psa. 119:70; Psa. 119:77; Psa. 119:92; Psa. 119:143; Psa. 119:174; Rom. 7:22 myself in Your laws; I do not forget Your word.
17Gimel Do good to Your servant, Let me live and I guard Your word.
18Open my eyes, that I might see Wonders from Your Torah.
19I am a sojourner in the earth; Do not hide Your commands from me.
20My being is crushed with longing For Your right-rulings at all times.
21You rebuked the proud, cursed ones, Who are straying from Your commands.
22Remove from me reproach and scorn, For I have observed Your witnesses.
23Though princes sat, speaking against me, Your servant meditates on Your laws.
24Your witnesses also are my delight, My counsellors.
25Dalet My being has been clinging to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.
26I have recounted my ways and You answered me; Teach me Your laws.
27Make me understand the way of Your orders; That I might meditate on Your wonders.
28My being has wept from grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.
29Remove from me the way of falsehood, And favour me with Your Torah.
30I have chosen the way of truth; Your right-rulings I have held level.
31I have clung to Your witnesses; O יהוה, do not put me to shame!
32I run the way of Your commands, For You enlarge my heart.
33 Teach me, O יהוה, the way of Your laws, And I observe it to the end.
34Make me understand, that I might observe Your Torah, And guard it with all my heart.
35Make me walk in the path of Your commands, For I have delighted in it.
36Incline my heart to Your witnesses, And not to own gain.
37Turn away my eyes from looking at falsehood, And revive me in Your way.
38Establish Your word to Your servant, Which leads to the fear of You.
39Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your right-rulings are good.
40See, I have longed for Your orders; Revive me in Your righteousness.
41Waw And let Your loving-commitments come to me, O יהוה; Your deliverance, according to Your word,
42So that I answer my reprover, For I have trusted in Your word.
43And do not take away from my mouth The word of truth entirely, For I have waited for Your right-rulings;
44That I might guard Your Torah continually, Forever and ever;
45That I might walk in a broad place, For I have sought Your orders;
46That I might speak of Your witnesses before sovereigns, And not be ashamed;
47That I might delight myself in Your commands, Which I have loved;
48That I might lift up my hands to Your commands, Which I have loved; While I meditate on Your laws.
49Zayin Remember the word to Your servant, On which You have caused me to wait.
50This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life.
51The proud have utterly scorned me, I did not turn aside from Your Torah.
52I remembered Your right-rulings of old, O יהוה, And I comfort myself.
53Rage has seized me because of the wrong Who forsake Your Torah.
54Your laws have been my songs In the place of my sojournings.
55I have remembered Your Name in the night, O יהוה, And I guard Your Torah.
56This has become mine, Because I have observed Your orders.
57Ḥet You are my portion, O יהוה; I have promised to guard Your words.
58I have sought Your face with all my heart; Show me favour according to Your word.
59I have thought upon my ways, And turned my feet to Your witnesses.
60I have hurried, and did not delay To guard Your commands.
61The cords of the wrong have surrounded me, Your Torah I have not forgotten.
62At midnight I rise to give thanks to You, For Your righteous right-rulings.
63I am a companion of all who fear You, And of those guarding Your orders.
64O יהוה, Your loving-commitment has filled the earth; Teach me Your laws.
65Tet You have done good to Your servant, O יהוה, According to Your word.
66Teach me good sense and knowledge, For I have trusted in Your commands.
67Before I was afflicted I myself was going astray, But now I have guarded Your word.
68You are good, and do good; Teach me Your laws.
69The proud have forged a lie against me, With all my heart I observe Your orders.
70Their heart has become like fat, Without feeling; I have delighted in Your Torah.
71It was good for me that I was afflicted, That I might learn Your laws.
72The Torah of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
73Yod Your hands have made me and formed me; Make me understand, that I might learn Your commands.
74Those who fear You see me and rejoice, For I have waited for Your Word.
75I know, O יהוה, That Your right-rulings are righteous, And in trustworthiness You have afflicted me.
76Please let Your loving-commitment be for my comfort, According to Your word to Your servant.
77Let Your compassions come to me, That I might live, For Your Torah is my delight.
78Let the proud be put to shame, For with lies they perverted me; But I study Your orders.
79Let those who fear You turn to me, And those who know Your witnesses.
80Let my heart be perfect in Your laws, So that I am not put to shame.
81Kaph For Your deliverance my being has pined away, For I have waited for Your word.
82My eyes have pined away for Your word, Saying, “When would it comfort me?”
83For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, Your laws I have not forgotten.
84How many are the days of Your servant? When do You execute right-ruling On those who persecute me?
85The proud have dug pits for me, Which is not according to Your Torah.
86All Your commands are trustworthy; They have persecuted me with lies; Help me!
87They almost made an end of me on earth, But I, I did not forsake Your orders.
88Revive me according to Your loving-commitment, That I might guard the witness of Your mouth.
89Lamed Forever, O יהוה, Your word stands firm in the heavens.
90Your trustworthiness is to all generations; You established the earth, and it stands.
91According to Your right-rulings They have stood to this day, For all are Your servants.
92If Your Torah had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93Let me never forget Your orders, For by them You have given me life.
94I am Yours, save me; For I have sought Your orders.
95The wrong have waited for me to destroy me; I understand Your witnesses.
96I have seen an end of all perfection; Your command is exceedingly broad.
97Mem O how I love#See Psa. 119:113; Psa. 119:119; Psa. 119:127; Psa. 119:163; Psa. 119:165; Psa. 119:167 Your Torah! It is my study all day long.
98Your commands make me wiser than my enemies; For it is ever before me.
99I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your witnesses are my study.
100I understand more than the aged, For I have observed Your orders.
101I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I might guard Your word.
102I have not turned aside from Your right-rulings, For You Yourself have taught me.
103How sweet to my taste has Your word been, More than honey to my mouth!
104From Your orders I get understanding; Therefore I have hated every false way.
105Nun Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
106I have sworn, and I confirm, To guard Your righteous right-rulings.
107I have been afflicted very much; O יהוה, revive me according to Your word.
108Please accept the voluntary offerings Of my mouth, O יהוה, And teach me Your right-rulings.
109My life is in my hand continually, And Your Torah I have not forgotten.
110The wrong have laid a snare for me, But I have not strayed from Your orders.
111Your witnesses are my inheritance forever, For they are the joy of my heart.
112I have inclined my heart to do Your laws Forever, to the end.
113Sameḵ I have hated doubting thoughts, But I have loved Your Torah.
114You are my hiding place and my shield; I have waited for Your word.
115Turn away from me, you evil-doers, For I observe the commands of my Elohim!
116Support me according to Your word, That I might live; And put me not to shame Because of my expectation.
117Sustain me, that I might be saved, And always look to Your laws.
118You have made light of all those Who stray from Your laws, For falsehood is their deceit.
119You have made to cease All the wrong of the earth, like dross; Therefore I have loved Your witnesses.
120My flesh has trembled for fear of You, And I am in awe of Your right-rulings.
121Ayin I have done right-ruling and righteousness; Leave me not to my oppressors.
122Guarantee Your servant’s well-being; Let not the proud oppress me.
123My eyes have pined away for Your deliverance, And for the word of Your righteousness.
124Do with Your servant according to Your loving-commitment, And teach me Your laws.
125I am Your servant – make me understand, That I might know Your witnesses.
126It is time for יהוה to act! For they have broken Your Torah.
127Therefore I have loved Your commands More than gold, even fine gold!
128Therefore all Your orders I count as right; I have hated every false way.
129 Your witnesses are wonders; So my being observes them.
130The opening up of Your words gives light, Giving understanding to the simple.
131I have opened my mouth and panted, For I have longed for Your commands.
132Turn to me and show me favour, According to Your right-ruling, toward those who love Your Name.
133Establish my footsteps by Your word, And let no wickedness have rule over me.
134Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I might guard Your orders.
135Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your laws.
136Streams of water have run down from my eyes, Because they did not guard Your Torah.
137Tsadi Righteous are You, O יהוה, And Your right-rulings are straight.
138You have commanded Your witnesses In righteousness and truth, exceedingly.
139My ardour has consumed me, For my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
140Your word is tried, exceedingly; And Your servant has loved it.
141I am small and despised; I have not forgotten Your orders.
142Your righteousness is righteousness forever, And Your Torah is truth.
143Distress and anguish have found me; Your commands are my delight.
144The righteousness of Your witnesses is forever; Make me understand, that I might live.
145Qoph I have called with all my heart; Answer me, O יהוה! I observe Your laws.
146I have called upon You; Save me, that I might guard Your witnesses.
147I rise before dawn, and cry for help; I have waited for Your word.
148My eyes have gone before the night watches, To study Your word.
149Hear my voice according to Your loving-commitment; O יהוה, revive me according to Your right-ruling.
150Those who pursue mischief have drawn near; They have been far from Your Torah.
151You are near, O יהוה, And all Your commands are truth.
152Of old I have known Your witnesses, That You have founded them forever.
153Rĕsh See my affliction and deliver me, For I have not forgotten Your Torah.
154Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.
155Deliverance is far from the wrong ones, For they have not sought Your laws.
156Your compassions are many, O יהוה; Revive me according to Your right-rulings.
157My persecutors and adversaries are many; I have not turned aside from Your witnesses.
158I saw traitors and was grieved, Because they did not guard Your word.
159See how I have loved Your orders, יהוה, revive me according to Your loving-commitment.
160The sum of Your word is truth, And all Your righteous right-rulings are forever.
161Shin Rulers have persecuted me without a cause, But at Your word my heart stood in awe.
162I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.
163I have hated falsehood and loathe it, Your Torah I have loved.
164I have praised You seven times a day, Because of Your righteous right-rulings.
165Great peace have those loving Your Torah, And for them there is no stumbling-block.
166יהוה, I have waited for Your deliverance, And I have done Your commands.
167My being has guarded Your witnesses, And I love them exceedingly.
168I have guarded Your orders and Your witnesses, For all my ways are before You.
169Taw My cry comes before You, O יהוה; Make me understand according to Your word.
170Let my prayer come before You; Deliver me according to Your word.
171My lips pour forth praise, For You teach me Your laws.
172My tongue sings of Your word, For all Your commands are righteousness.
173Your hand is a help to me, For I have chosen Your orders.
174I have longed for Your deliverance, O יהוה, And Your Torah is my delight.
175My being lives, and it praises You; And Your right-rulings help me.
176I have strayed like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I have not forgotten Your commands.





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