
Lent: Embracing Your Need for Godサンプル

Lent: Embracing Your Need for God

11日中 5日

# Emptied and Filled What’s filling you? Where can you make space to connect with Christ? Letting go of … 1. people pleasing 2. pursuit of control 3. self-righteousness 4. spiritual bypassing 5. needing certainty 6. titles and salaries 7. self-condemnation 8. unspoken rules 9. dismissiveness 10. divisiveness 11. judgment 12. clinging to fear Taking hold of … 1. grace for yourself 2. grace for others 3. thoughtful boundaries 4. time in nature 5. the ways you are growing 6. God’s love and acceptance 7. your unique gifts 8. space to feel 9. prayer 10. creative expression 11. a curious faith 12. unanswered questions As you pay attention to this season, what are you choosing to let go of? What does that make space for you to take hold of?
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Lent: Embracing Your Need for God

Lent is a 40-day season leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. Traditionally, Christians use this time to fast, pray, and give to those in need. It's a time to reflect on our need for God and prepare our hearts for...

