
Daily Bible Reading, July 2022: God’s Renewing Word of Faithサンプル

Daily Bible Reading, July 2022: God’s Renewing Word of Faith

31日中 5日

July 5 Introduction In his final words, Moses exhorts the people to obey all of God’s teachings. The LORD then instructs Moses to go to Mount Nebo where he is to die since God will not allow him to enter the land of Canaan. Scripture Reading Deuteronomy 32:45-52 Today’s Key Verse: Deuteronomy 32:46a [Moses said:] “Be sure to obey all these commands that I have given you today.” Reflect In verses 46 and 47, what does Moses say to the people? Why are they told to repeat God’s commands to their children? In what ways are God’s commands taught to children in your community of faith? Why will God not allow Moses to enter the land of Canaan (verses 51, 52)? (see also Numbers 27:12-14; Deuteronomy 3:23-27) Pray Sovereign God, your teachings are words of life. Help me to obey them always and keep me faithful to your commands. In your holy name I pray. Amen. Tomorrow’s Reading Deuteronomy 33:1-17: Moses blesses the tribes of Israel.
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Daily Bible Reading, July 2022: God’s Renewing Word of Faith

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive de...

