
Follow Your Callingサンプル

Follow Your Calling

12日中 12日

# From the author This is the final day of this plan. We're about to land. I want to say thank you to all those who made it to the end. I hope it influences you and your decision to respond to God's call. You will face many difficulties on your way, but you should know: The One in you is stronger than the one in this world. No matter what happens, stick to Christ and His Word. I am happy to have the opportunity to share my thoughts in this plan «Follow your Calling» with you. And finally, this is a short message for you. God’s love for us is great and it is worth it to spend 60-80 years serving Him. If you talk to a 60-year-old minister, he will have a lot to tell, but never in your life will you hear from such a person that he regrets devoting his whole life to Christ. There are many things we may regret: wasted money, bad purchases, pointless fights, and wasted time, but you will not regret the things you did for Christ - they are priceless. Let it motivate you in your lifestyle. Every day, when you wake up, feel His love for you. As I’m writing these words - I realize how much I need it myself. So often vanity takes over us, but we don't give up. "Not a step back, not a step on the spot - only forward and only all together." And lastly, I would like to leave the places from the Holy Scriptures that inspire me.


Follow Your Calling

This plan will inspire every reader to see in himself a person who, like millions of other people, is called to a specific mission. No matter who you are or what you have, God is calling you today. Just trust in God and ...

