
21 Days of Celebrationサンプル

21 Days of Celebration

21日中 2日

### Day 2 “ Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name! ” Psalms 97:12 ESV #### Question: How many reasons for thankfulness and rejoicing can you think of? #### Application: Many people find it easier to list their requests when they pray to God. Often this reflects something of being outside of a habit, and heart of gratitude. The Psalmist wrote these words as a response to the generosity and goodness of God. Get a stopwatch and a notepad - alternatively do all of this on your device - and list all the reasons for thankfulness and rejoicing in God that you can in 3 minutes. During your day you may also want to challenge someone else to consider this exercise. #### Prayer: [Pray your own prayer of thankfulness using the list you have just written.]
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21 Days of Celebration

Take the adventure through God's word and see transformation in your life as you exercise the muscles of celebration. Much is made about the need for a reason to celebrate. To truly understand the Good News is to focus ...

