
Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayerサンプル

Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer

12日中 12日

Day 12: Abide in Him “Finally, prayer is our ultimate conversation of knowing and being known, of loving and being loved. This communion with our Father sustains us for this lifetime and whets our appetites for the next.” (Dudley J. Delffs) Lord, teach me to abide in You. I want to learn to stay in Your shelter so that I can rest in Your shadow. One day in Your courts is better than a thousand days anywhere else. If I can’t go with You, Father, I don’t want to go at all! Your path is the only one worth taking. Thank You for making it known to me. Fill me with joy in Your presence as I ever seek to abide from this time forth and forevermore! We would like to thank Dean Ridings of The Navigators and author of [ Walking & Talking with God: A Simple Way to Pray Every Day ](https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Talking-God-Simple-Every/dp/1970176083) for this reading plan. For guidance along your spiritual journey or to help others discover God’s will and working in their lives, we encourage you to connect with The Navigators at [ www.navigators.org/youversion ](http://www.navigators.org/youversion "www.navigators.org/youversion" ) .


Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer

Do you long to move closer to God through Christ Jesus, ever toward the abiding Jesus spoke of in John 15? Prayer is the pathway! God is there, He cares, and He listens and responds to our prayers. This 12-day Bible read...

