Proverbs 16

1 To mortals belong the plans of the heart,
but from Yahweh comes the answer of the tongue.
2All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
but Yahweh weighs the spirit.#Or “breath”
3Commit your work to Yahweh,
and your plans will be established.
4All Yahweh has made is for his#Or “its” purpose,
and even the wicked for the day of trouble.
5An abomination of Yahweh are all who are arrogant of heart;#Or “mind”
rest assured,#Literally “hand to hand” he will not go unpunished.
6By loyalty and faithfulness, iniquity will be covered over,#Or “atoned for”
and by fear of Yahweh one turns#Literally “turning” from evil.
7When the ways of a man are pleasing to Yahweh,
even his enemies he will cause to make peace with him.
8Better is little with righteousness
than great income with no justice.
9The mind#Literally “heart” of a person will plan his ways,
and Yahweh will direct his steps.
10A decision is upon the lips of a king;
in judgment his mouth will not sin.
11A balance and scales of justice belong to Yahweh;
all the weights of the bag are his work.
12An abomination to kings is doing evil,
for by righteousness the throne will be established.
13The delight of kings are the lips of righteousness,
and he who speaks what is upright he will love.
14The wrath of a king is a messenger of death,
but one who is wise will appease#Or “atone, cover over” it.
15In the light of the face of the king there is life,
and his favor is like a cloud of spring rain.
16Getting wisdom: how much#Literally “what” better than gold!
And getting understanding: it is chosen over#Literally “from” silver.
17The highway of the upright, it turns from evil,
he who guards himself#Or “soul,” or “inner self” keeps his way.
18Before destruction comes pride,
and before a fall, a haughty spirit.#Hebrew “a haughty of spirit”
19Better a lowly spirit with the poor
than dividing the spoil with the proud.
20He who is attentive to a matter will find goodness,
and he who trusts in Yahweh, his own happiness.
21The wise of heart#Or “mind” is called perceptive,
but he who is pleasant of lips will increase persuasiveness.
22A fountain of life is wisdom for its owner,#Or “master”
but the instruction#Or “punishment” of fools is folly.
23The heart#Or “mind” of the wise will make his mouth judicious,
and upon his lips, it#Or “he” will add persuasiveness.
24Pleasant sayings are a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones.
25There is a way that seems upright to#Literally “to the face of” a man,
but its end is the way of death.
26The life#Or “soul,” or “inner self” of a worker works for him,
for his hunger#Literally “mouth” urges him.
27A man of wickedness concocts evil,
and his lips are like a scorching fire.
28A person of perversity will spread dissent,
and he who whispers separates a close friend.
29A person of violence will entice his neighbor
and cause him to walk on a way that is not good.
30He who winks his eyes does so in order to plan perverse things;
he who purses his lips will bring evil to pass.
31A crown of glory is gray hair;
by a righteous life it is gained.
32He who is slow to anger#Literally “nostrils” is better than him who is mighty,
and he who controls his spirit than him who captures a city.
33The lot will be cast into the lap,
but all of its decisions are from Yahweh.


Proverbs 16: LEB





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