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Influence of God's Glory預覽

Influence of God's Glory


God Has Given You a Purpose St. Augustine said the only purpose worthy of man’s efforts was a loving union with God. That is a high goal, but one that might have been easier for St. Augustine, who lived his life in a monastery. The rest of us have bills to pay, children to raise, friends, family, and whatever ministries the Lord asks us to serve. One thing is certain: God gave us his Holy Spirit to equip us to serve him with power, but that power is to be used for his Kingdom purpose (Acts 1:8). Samuel knew he was called to be a prophet. David and Solomon knew they were to reign. All of us, like them, are called to be God’s witness. The author is unknown, but the words are not. Someone said, “The real mark of a saint is that he makes it easier for others to believe in God.” > 1\. Proverbs 1:7 is a famous quote from King Solomon. Rewrite that Proverb in your own words, as if you were explaining its meaning to a friend. > 2\. “The real mark of a saint is that he makes it easier for others to believe in God.” St. Augustine would say the chief purpose of our lives is to live in union with God and through that witness, introduce others to God. Read James 3:17. Why is wisdom necessary for that goal?
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Influence of God's Glory

By the end of this study, we pray that you will know God’s voice better, that you will know when and how he speaks, and feel compelled to obey. As we study Scripture, we will discover that God’s plan cannot be thwarted r...


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