Empower - Use Your Influence for God



I + E = V

This simple formula can unlock influence wired directly into our souls.

Inclusion + Elevation = Value

Athletes experience this formula every time they try out for a team. They first have to make the team, which is inclusion. Then they can compete to be chosen by their coach to represent their team in a game, which is elevation. 

However, we don’t have to perform for God to be on His team. Jesus has done everything needed to bring us to God. The Creator of the universe has already chosen each one of us as believers to be included in His incredible, redemptive plan for mankind. He could easily achieve His plan on His own, but He has chosen to include you and me in his rescue mission, and the countdown is on. Proverbs describe our life as a mist that briefly appears and vanishes into thin air. At some point, the sands of time will cease to flow at the return of Christ. 

Our part in this epic rescue mission is not one of little consequence. We are not fans in the stands. God has elevated our part. He has entrusted all of us with euaggelion, the good news of the Gospel. He didn’t give this assignment to the angelic armies of the living God. He chose us. He elevated us to be the living carriers of the Gospel on Earth. This is astounding!

When Jesus was walking on this Earth with His followers, it would have been easy for them to doubt if they could do anything remotely useful compared to the amazing demonstrations of the divine they had seen Jesus do on a daily basis, including defeating death itself. But Jesus eliminated any doubt of their part, and ours, with a stunning challenge:

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” -- Matthew 28:19-20 (CSB).

Satan is terrified of this verse! It unleashes the power of value. He is desperate to convince each one of us that we are excluded, that we have nothing special to offer, and are at best only spectators watching the ministry experts go make disciples. This is a direct attack on the value God has shown for each one of us.

You are included in God’s redemptive plan. You have an elevated responsibility. You are the champion God has chosen. Your value is priceless. 

Now go and make disciples.


How would a deep understanding of your true eternal value affect your life?


  • 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

  • Matthew 4:19