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Don’t I Need to Be Fixed Up?Пример

Don’t I Need to Be Fixed Up?

День 5 из 7

## Becoming Able to Become the Men God Wants Us To Be Jesus’ victory over sin becomes our victory when we decide to let him into our lives—when we decide to follow him. When we do that, Jesus re-engineers us: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17). What Jesus did on the cross allows us to transform, over time, and become more and more like what Adam was before the fall— perfectly whom God wants us to be and in perfect relationship with him, without sin, without shame, without separation. But we don’t become perfect in an instant, of course. We don’t instantly become the men God wants us to be. And we don’t come back into perfect relationship with him in an instant either. What does happen, though, is that we become able . We become able to become those men. Able to be taught and trained to deal with sin. Able to be taught and trained to confess and repent, to live in freedom and joy and peace and purpose. Able to be taught and trained to be in relationship and conversation with our head-over heels Father God. Able to come home. We’ll continue to struggle, of course, but less and less. We’ll heal and learn and be less and less tempted by sin—more able to recognize temptations for what they are. We will become perfectly whom God wants us to be—but slowly. And not completely until Jesus returns and makes “all things new” (Rev. 21:5). Until then, he transforms us “from glory to glory” (2 Cor. 3:18).
День 4День 6

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