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Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA) is an accurate and faithful translation from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages. The NBLA uses the same principles of translation as La Biblia de las Américas, but it is in the modern and contemporary Spanish spoken in Latin America. For example, it uses the personal pronoun “ustedes” rather than “vosotros”, the possessive pronouns “su/suyo/suya” are used rather than “vuestro”, and it uses the personal pronoun second person “los, les, se” rather than “os”.

The NBLA is appealing to the early and advance reader by using a refreshing but not diluted Spanish making it elegant reading. It replaces the “he aquí” with “miren” and eliminates it in some instances. The text does not include excessive use of “Y” and it reduces the use of “sucedió que o sucedió” and “aconteció que”.

Careful attention was given to make it grammatically up-to-date according to the “Real Academia de la Lengua Española”.

The Lockman Foundation


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