Shouts of GraceEsimerkki

Shouts of Grace

PÄIVÄ 26 / 26

Shouts of Grace

In this final day of our exciting journey in looking at the multifaceted grace of God, we are finishing where we started. The scripture says that Zerubbabel will accomplish God’s design and desire with shouts of grace. But wait…we may have missed something! If you look back at the scripture it is not just shouts of "grace," but "Grace, grace..." (Zechariah 4:6-7, NKJV). There is a powerful truth hidden here. Any time we see something repeated in the scripture we should pay attention. God is emphasizing something He wants us to see and experience.

Before we define what this means, let’s think for a moment about how we talk in our present day. Have you ever heard people talking and they repeated a word in a sentence? Maybe they said something like, “It is so nice you have to say it twice!” Or you might have heard people talking about a movie where the couple kissed and someone said, “Was it just a kiss or was it a kiss, kiss?!”

It sounds silly but if you think back, you may have examples of this from your own life. Some people would say “I didn’t go shopping, shopping…just shopping.” To some that may be confusing, but they are really emphasizing what they are saying. On the one hand, there is shopping they really like. Clothes shopping or car shopping could be this way for some. But there is another type of shopping that people don’t like. Shopping for insurance and groceries could be this type of shopping.

In the same way that we emphasize what we are saying, God Himself repeats the word “grace” here to escalate it to an even higher level. He wants to catch our attention so we will picture what can happen when we humble ourselves and His extraordinary power is released for us. Not only can we receive “ordinary” grace, as wonderful as that is, but there is “grace, grace” for especially challenging situations. God doubles down on the power that He releases into our lives. That means it is a multiplied grace!

Your future is as bright as your insight into the many different ways that God is prepared to release His multifaceted grace in your life. Find the promises in God’s word that fit your circumstances. Meditate on them in His presence until you imagine them being fulfilled. Then thank and praise Him for His “grace, grace.” The possibilities are as vast as God is strong. You can’t do life on your own. Humble yourself in God’s sight and call on Him for the grace you need.

- Senior Pastor Dan Roth

Prayer or Faith Declaration

I have the grace of God. It is powerful and effective in my life and works in all areas. Whatever may come, I am not afraid. I have the Divine supply of the power I need. I speak shouts of “Grace, grace!”

Journal Directions

Answer the following questions:

  1. What could I do with multiplied grace?
  2. How many people can I reach with the good news of the gospel of grace?
  3. How will my home, job or community look different as I believe for grace everywhere I go?
  4. What will be the ongoing impact that I leave for generations, as “grace, grace” characterizes my daily life?