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12 Days To A Love That LastsBeispiel

12 Days To A Love That Lasts

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## Combining Your Callings Here on this second day of building a love that lasts, we're tackling yet another tough topic: combining your callings. The fact of the matter is, each person in this world has a God-breathed calling in life. And when you're by yourself, it's much easier to imagine how God will enact that calling in your world. But what happens when you get married is that you have to figure out how to combine those callings into a cohesive whole. And often we're drawn together by similar callings – only to discover those similarities are sometimes not similar enough. So what then? That's when you welcome Jesus into your struggle to synthesize your callings with one another. It's work – so why would you do it on your own? Invite the Lord into this and let Him work with you to turn your conflict into complements. You're no longer individuals – now you're a team, which means you either both win or you both lose. Combining your callings helps you to win, which puts you well on the road to a love that lasts.
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