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30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)عينة

30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)

يوم 4 من إجمالي 30

SERVANT OR MASTER What is money in your life - your servant or your master? In Matthew 6:24, Jesus explicitly says that if money (Mammon) is your master, you are his slave. That’s quite a statement because it’s very hard to admit when we’re being controlled by money. What does it really mean to be a slave to money? It means obsessing about it. It means using all our time running after it. It’s getting our sense of worth from it. It’s using it to influence our relationships. It’s saving it up without limit. It’s the inability to enjoy the money we have earned. It’s not being able to sleep at night because we have too much or too little. It’s using it to control others, and so on. Don't ever let money be your master! Being a follower of Jesus means that you have already decided Who rules your life! You can be sure that money (Mammon) will insist on being your priority and focus, but giving in to Mammon never ends well. I know people who are so “poor” that all they have is money. Spiritually speaking, a person who serves money will lack peace, balance, genuine joy, deep relationships, and deep connection with God. Remember this - whatever wins your attention, wins your heart. So don't be a slave to money! You have already chosen a better Lord - Jesus. Remember: Money is a great servant and a lousy master. Be on guard!
يوم 3يوم 5

عن هذه الخطة

30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)

In 30 days, you'll find out who Mammon is, how he affects people's financial lives, and how you can defeat him. This is a Plan for those who wish to definitively defeat Mammon and not allow him to prevent them from livin...


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