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Holy Week - on the Inside of Creationعينة

Holy Week - on the Inside of Creation

يوم 4 من إجمالي 4

[IMAGE CONTENT] Resurrection Sunday - Easter Eyes Today is Resurrection Sunday. He is risen! Creation in Christ continues! If Good Friday is the 6th day of the Creation and Holy Saturday is the 7th day of the Creation, then Resurrection Sunday is the 8th Day of Creation. Or perhaps the 1st day of New Creation. The point is that Easter is not the end of God’s work. It’s just the beginning! And it’s a work that is finally comprehensible to the New Humanity that is coming into being. It’s only when we are given Easter eyes that we can begin to make sense of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. That is why in Matthew’s Gospel, the angel instructs the two Marys, “Tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me" (Matt. 28:10). Galilee is where the adventure began for the disciples, though, at the time it made no sense. And how could it? They had not yet been given Easter eyes. It’s only by the light of the resurrection that the story makes any sense. By meeting the risen Christ back in Galilee, Jesus is inviting his disciples to retrace their steps, but this time with easter eyes. This is the rosetta stone. This is how the disciples are able to finally “see”. Our lives are no different. It’s only when we retrace our steps and retell the story with Easter eyes that we can see things for what they are. > Easter Morning > by William Stafford > > Maybe someone comes to the door and says, > “Repent,” and you say, “Come on in,” and it’s > Jesus. That’s when all you ever did, or said, > or even thought, suddenly wakes up again and > sings out, “I’m still here,” and you know it’s true. > You just shiver alive and are left standing > there suddenly brought to account: saved. > Except, maybe that someone says, “I’ve got a deal > for you.” And you listen, because that’s how > you’re trained – they told you, “Always hear both sides.” > So then the slick voice can sell you anything, even > Hell, which is what you’re getting by listening. > Well, what should you do? I’d say always go to > the door, yes, but keep the screen locked. Then, > while you hold the Bible in one hand, lean forward > and say carefully, “Jesus?” An Easter Blessing The paschal mystery reveals that Creation is not merely an event that happened a long time ago. It is an ongoing reality that is happening now! As we enter Eastertide may you find yourself on the inside of Creation being freed up to do that which we are created to do - participate in the ongoing act of Creation, as modeled by Jesus. This is our most sacred vocation. “As the Father sent me, so I send you.” Go in peace to love and serve. This plan was adapted from the Word from Below, a weekly reflection published by Street Psalms. For more devotionals like this, including our weekly Word from Below reflection, visit [ www.streetpsalms.org/you-version ](http://www.streetpsalms.org/you-version) .
يوم 3

عن هذه الخطة

Holy Week - on the Inside of Creation

This is a series of short Holy Week reflections beginning with the events on Maundy Thursday, and ending with Resurrection Sunday. They are also glimpses inside the act of Creation itself. When we enter Holy Week we have...


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