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The Ageless One in Time's Embraceعينة

The Ageless One in Time's Embrace

يوم 2 من إجمالي 7

## God the Son has always existed “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. […] And he is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:15-17) The words “firstborn” and “son” imply the existence of a father and a mother, who at some point have a child. However, this is not how the Son of God came into existence. It is important to know two things: * Jesus Christ was born as a baby about 2000 years ago. At that point, He took on human nature. He was born of the virgin Mary, who was His earthly mother. She became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. So, Mary is not God’s wife. She was an ordinary woman with the special privilege to become the mother of the Son of God. * However, before becoming human, Jesus was already God. He was there “before all things,” “in the beginning,” from eternity. He is one of the three eternal persons who together are the one triune God. His name “God the Son” does not mean that God the Father existed before Him. It implies these two Persons are of the same divine nature, have the same purpose, and have the same character of love, righteousness, and goodness. This is a mystery. We can’t understand it but must take God at His word that this is true. Do you, by faith, accept this truth about God the Son? What does it mean to you?

عن هذه الخطة

The Ageless One in Time's Embrace

The Christmas story is not just about a baby in a manger and some shepherds visiting Him. This story actually starts before the creation of the world, with the Word of God being with God and being God Himself. It is abou...


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