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Between Calamity & Callingعينة

Between Calamity & Calling

يوم 6 من إجمالي 6

REPEAT UNTIL YOU RISE There is no magic pill in life! There is no quick fix to anything. Putting in the time to do consistent, healthy practices is key to the journey of life. Jesus repeated this whole process of revealing and wrestling three times. When a person is in turmoil, it takes a while to get to a place of clarity. So allowing ourselves to stay in the process and repeat it if necessary is healthy. Keep working the steps until you can rise above calamity to face your calling confidently and clearly. In Matthew 26:46 , we see Jesus rising and walking straight toward His betrayer. The fruit of wrestling this process is that we see truth rise above tensions, calling rise above calamity, and boldness of love rise above the betrayer. Jesus had confidence, bravery, and steadfastness in His spirit as He faced His betrayer. I believe this came from the clarity of calling and faith in the one who called Him. May you never allow life's weariness, tensions, and calamity to pull you away from your gifting and calling. Regardless if you are called to be a pastor or a parent, my prayer as you follow in the steps of Jesus is that you will keep rising through every valley to one day hear the words, " well done my good and faithful servant ." PRAY Lord, help me never to lose sight of what you have called me to. Help me hold tightly to your truth as an anchor for my soul. Help me fix my eyes on you as a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path .
يوم 5

عن هذه الخطة

Between Calamity & Calling

The Bible says we are all called to be disciples. How do we live in the fullness of that calling without the calamities around us leading us to despair? How do we stay hopeful in a world filled with so much hurt? This ...


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