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Christmas in 3 Actsعينة

Christmas in 3 Acts

يوم 4 من إجمالي 21

Experience Pull up a picture of a world map today - maybe you have one in your house. Create some time just to let your eyes wander across the map. No doubt your eyes will be drawn to certain places and countries. As they do, spend a moment in prayer for those people in that place. As you become more attuned to this exercise, allow God to speak to you about those places. You may not have words, but recall v9 - “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me.” Practice Review what devices or items are becoming “idols” in your life? Are there ways you could delete, hide, or change these in order to create more space for God to speak to you? Question What might be preventing me from fully embracing God’s advent way this year? Whose life would be richer if I was to create more space for Him and His purposes? Prayer I choose to surrender my desires and plans, offering all that I am and everything I do for Your glory.
يوم 3يوم 5

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Christmas in 3 Acts

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