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The Heartbeat of Godعينة

The Heartbeat of God

يوم 7 من إجمالي 30

PERFECT ONE Matthew 5:48 O God, You are the Perfect One ... perfect in strength, perfect in beauty, perfect in peace, perfect in righteousness, perfect in love. Heavenly Father, You tell me to be perfect? How can I even begin to be like You? Is there any hope for the heart of man, which is more deceitful than all else and desperately sick? O God, You know our situation; You see our plight. Yet, You say to each one of our hearts: Behold, My hand is not so short that it cannot save. Neither is My ear so dull that is cannot hear. But, your iniquities have made a separation between you and Me, and your sins have hidden My face from you. O God, here is my sin. Please God, take away my sin! I praise You, Father, for Your perfect solution to the marred heart of man: Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Thank You, Jesus, for being the unblemished and spotless One who came to redeem my soul! Your precious blood covers me! And only because You live in me can I be perfect, mirroring You in strength, in beauty, in peace, in righteousness, and in love. © Chris Baxter 2014 Ð Clear Day Publishing
يوم 6يوم 8

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